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Camp 19: spiritual program

From July 27 – August 23, 2019 in Paestum at the “Camping Village Paestum”

Spiritual program

During Camp 2019 there will be some special moments, here are in detail:

The seminar will address issues that can be created in relationships with others, with oneself and with God – Edited by a team from the Magnificat Community

During these two moments, Alessandra and Daniele Mezzetti will help explore how body love and sexuality can positively or negatively affect a healthy relationship with oneself and in a relationship as a couple.

It is now a regular occurrence at both the Camp and General Convention: a time when allied brothers make themselves available to pray for the needs of brothers who wish to do so

There will be two special evenings, on dates to be determined during the camp by the youth and youth present, where, as every year, the youth will curate and animate a time of prayer and evangelization

The camp lives around the living Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament tent in the center of the camp with 24/7 Eucharistic adoration and daily celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Registration is now open. Download the RESERVATION SHEET and the FAN with all the useful information for participation in the camp. For information and registration contact Fabio Torricelli tel. 366 6432707
RESERVATION FORM 2019[attachments template=”medium”]
Watch the video presentation of the 2019 edition of Magnificat Community Camp

All other camp news, registration and information, CLICK HERE

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