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General managers elected

On the Fifth Sunday of Lent in the Holy Year of Mercy, the Magnificat Community Chapter elected the new General Managers who will serve for the three-year period 2016 – 2019:

Andrea Orsini, Daniele Mezzetti, Giuseppe Piegai, Michele Rossetti e Teresa Ciociola.

The retreat began on Saturday, March 12, and was held in an atmosphere of great serenity and unity, in which great space was reserved for prayer and listening to the voice of the Lord, and was attended by the elders of the Community and representatives of all Fraternities where no elder was present.

The outgoing moderator, Daniele Mezzetti, gave an account of the completed term of office, and then some guidelines on the life of the Community zones for the next three years were deliberated by the Chapter.

Capito also proceeded to vote on the members elected to the General Council; the following elders were chosen: Francesco Fressoia, Luigi Montesi, Massimo Roscini, Oreste Pesare, Paolo Bartoccini, Stefano Ragnacci, and Vincenzo Genovese.

The retreat and concluded with the invocation of the Holy Spirit on the new general managers.

At several moments all participants raised a powerful intercession to the Lord for Tarcisio Mezzetti for the delicate moment he is going through.

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