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Path of unity

For those familiar with the history of the Community, the news is significant: during 2015, “official” contacts between the Community and the Magnificat Dominum Community began.

Since the beginning of the year, a meeting was planned between the General Councils of the two communities, which took place at the end of April, during which it was decided to continue a path of communion; in September we will meet again.

The two Communities share many characteristics, the Covenant, the structures, even the vocabulary: nothing strange, because until 2004 they were the same Community. Many painful events produced a separation with deep consequences in the hearts of many brothers. For a long time a certain fear of close relations between the two Communities was inevitable; the wounds were still too fresh. But the Lord continued to “importune” us without being satisfied. There was always informal contact, a desire to resume a dialogue, brothers coming and going.

This year a stronger and more meaningful step was taken: seeing each other, we talked about what we have become, as is normal among brothers who see each other again after a long time, but above all we prayed together. We listened to the Lord telling us that every division is the fruit of sin, that we should not be content with the state of things but that with every care we should work to restore unity; and He will do the rest.

Father Massimo Vedova celebrated the Eucharist and although he did not know the events except by hearsay, he spoke words inspired by the Spirit that moved us deeply. We prayed over each other, asking God to be fully available to his plans, his will. The meeting, the sharing, the prayer perceptibly began to heal the story. We have no plans, we do not know the road ahead, but we believe that the Lord will build.

In adoration with the brothers of the Magnificat Dominum Community
Together in the courtyard of San Manno
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