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Together at the door of mercy

The Jubilee of the Magnificat Community and the Magnificat Dominum Community.

Next September 3 we will celebrate, the two communities Magnificat and Magnificat Dominum together, the JUBILEE OF MISERICORDY in Rome. It will be a very special moment, which we want to experience with all the members and sympathizers of the two realities. The presence of the two Communities reunited is a sign of historical reconciliation: once part of one Community, there was a separation, in some ways very painful, at the end of 2003, as a result of differences of vision. Despite the wound that was created, concrete steps of reconciliation have been taken over time; in recent months efforts have multiplied and on several occasions we have been able to hear the voice of the Lord who spoke clearly to the leaders of the two reunited Communities about communion of hearts. The Jubilee Pilgrimage stands precisely in the wake of this unity process between the two Communities, largely blessed by the Lord.

So we invite you to circle the date of September 3 on your calendar in red: we are all busy on that day. Let us bring family, brothers and sisters, acquaintances and friends. Let us respond with joy to this invitation from the Lord and He will abound in blessings.

Regarding the organization of the event, here is some news. We are happy to have Cardinal Paul Joseph Cordes as celebrant. We are also hoping for the presence of Michelle Moran, president of I.C.C.R.S. Both are old friends and admirers of the two Communities. We are also hopeful about the presence of some friendly bishops.

We will meet on time in Rome at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 3.

The outline program is as follows:

9:30 a.m. – Meeting point and reception at the parish of St. Gregory VII Pope (700 meters from St. Peter’s) at Via del Cottolengo 4. The church faces Via Gregory VII; it is best to enter Rome from Via Aurelia.

10 a.m. – Charismatic Community Prayer, Teaching, Eucharistic Adoration.

12:30 p.m. – Packed breakfast at the parish facilities adjacent to the church.

2:30 p.m. – Gathering at the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo and beginning of the Jubilee journey along Via della Conciliazione to the passage of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s.

17.00 – Eucharistic celebration at the altar of the Chair of St. Peter’s Basilica presided over by Card. Cordes.

6:30 p.m. – Greetings and departure.

This Jubilee can be a truly significant time for our spiritual growth. For both Communities it also stands as the crowning achievement of this year’s community journey, all centered on community life as an ongoing exercise of mercy. “We always need to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a source of joy, serenity and peace. It is a condition of our salvation. Mercy: it is the word that reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Mercy: it is the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to us. Mercy: it is the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person when he looks with sincere eyes at the brother he meets on the journey of life. Mercy: it is the way that unites God and man, because it opens the heart to the hope of being loved forever despite the limitation of our sin.” With these words, the Pope emphasizes how the way of mercy has its origin in God bending down to us, and then continues in us when we bend down to our brothers and sisters. For our Communities, both of Covenant and founded on the charisms of evangelization and worship, the Jubilee call to mercy reminded us this year how important it is to “get our hands dirty” with our brothers and sisters. It is an opportunity to assure this Mercy a firm place in our hearts and in the hearts of our Communities, as the foundation of our Promises: Poverty, Permanent Forgiveness, Love Building, Service.

For all these reasons, we strongly urge you to make arrangements to participate.

Do everything to be free for September 3. The Fraternities spread the invitation not only to the Allies but to all Novices, Disciples, Friends, Witnesses of the Spirit and sympathizers; start collecting memberships now and plan the trip with buses, cars and whatever is necessary to meet on September 3 at 9:30 a.m. in Rome.

N.B. On the following day, September 4, the canonization of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta is scheduled and a large influx of people is expected. We therefore recommend that Fraternities collect registrations and organize possible coaches – and if necessary stays – as soon as possible.

The General Managers of the Magnificat Community and the Magnificat Dominum Community.

Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni ACQUISTA ORA