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A new “House of Common Life!”

After a long discernment, on August 12, 2021, Mihaela Dinca, an Agnus Dei ally sister of the Betleem Fraternity in Popesti-Leordeni, moved into the house owned by the same Fraternity where two other Agnus Dei allies, Constantina Udrea and Agneza Timpu, have been living for three years already.

With this entry, in accordance with the new statutory norms that the Magnificat Community is equipping itself with in obedience to the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, a new House of Common Life is being officially established alongside the one that already exists on the outskirts of Perugia, in the hamlet of Ferro di Cavallo, a very short distance from San Manno.

This new foundation is the crowning achievement of a long history of faith in this project of God, which began twenty years ago, when, a sister who still did not even know the Magnificat Community, had received this image during adoration: “A small group of consecrated men who lived a common life and had love and freedom in the Spirit as their only rule.”

For more information on what the Community Living Homes and the Allies of the Agnus Dei please consult the pages dedicated to these realities in the Spirituality section of the page About Us of the website.

The three sisters who live in the House of Common Life, kneeling before the Lord during the morning Eucharistic celebration, celebrated, as is often the case, by Father Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu in the House chapel.
From left: Constantina (aka Mirela), Mihaela and Agneza.
Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti ACQUISTA ORA