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Charismatic life formation, all videos and texts

In the days between December 27 and 29, 2019, about three hundred brothers and sisters of the Italian Fraternities of the Community gathered in Chianciano Terme for a formation led by the general leaders on charismatic life.
On this page are all the videos of the homilies, as well as the videos and texts of the catecheses; the latter can be opened by clicking on the red title next to the relevant video.

PDF file of Stefano Ragnacci’s catechesis

02 – Charisms and community life

PDF file of the catechesis by Maria Rita Castellani

04 – Charismatic community prayer.

PDF file of Joseph Piegai’s catechesis

05 – The charism of prophecy

PDF file of Teresa Ciociola’s catechesis

06 – Prayer over the brothers

Pdf file of the catechesis of Vincenzo Genovese

08 – Healing and deliverance

Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti ACQUISTA ORA