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Our soul magnifies the Lord!

After a complete graphic and functional makeover-to make it more usable especially in reading from mobile devices (i.e., cell phones)-the January Bulletin is now available.

After an extensive section on the recognition by the Dicastery for Laity Family and Life of the Magnificat Community, this issue also reports news of two seminars–healing and for young people, on the Theology of the Body–and a beautiful testimony of conversion.

Here you can download the pdf of the Bulletin, which on the first page has “interactive” headings to go directly to the article of interest, which-in turn, on the top right-has a button to return to the Table of Contents.

Happy reading!

«Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» «Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» ACQUISTA ORA