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Pastors renewed in the Spirit

A Vita Nuova seminar for priests in theArchdiocese of Bucharest

Monsignor Aurel Percă, Archbishop of Bucharest, asked the Magnificat Community to hold “spiritual exercises” for his priests.

He wanted them to receive the teachings of the New Life in the Spirit Seminar (the kerygma) to prepare for the Baptism in the Spirit.

The bishop thus wanted to follow Pope Francis’ invitation for the whole Church to be renewed charismatically.

This “pilot” seminar was conducted between May 5 and 8, 2024, by a team composed as follows:

  • Msgr. Kornéll Fàbry – auxiliary bishop of Budapest, of the Emmanuel Community
  • Father Vicotr-Emilian Dumitrescu – general spiritual adviser of the Magnificat Community, from the Bucharest Fraternity
  • Agneza – ally and consecrated member of the Bethlehem Fraternity.
  • Ciprian, Joseph and Orestes – allied by the Fraternities of Bacau, Cortona and Rome

All participating priests (23 in all) received prayer for Baptism in the Spirit.

Everyone then gave a grateful and positive testimony of their experience during these unprecedented spiritual exercises.

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