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Peter teaches us

On August 28-29, 2021, the annual formation and communion meeting of Romanian Fraternity leaders was held in Miercurea Ciuc, Transylvania.

Two general managers, Giuseppe Piegai and Teresa Ciociola, were invited and attended the meeting.

Saturday morning brought us, from the very beginning, the joy of gathering together. God made possible the presence of all the leaders of the Fraternities present in Romania. But our hearts were still a bit closed, and in the prayer of praise that opened the day, the Lord urged us to divide into groups and pray for one another with the laying on of hands: this was only the first of many gifts that awaited us.

The teachings inspired by the First Letter of the first pope, the holy apostle Peter, have begun to plant in the soil prepared by the prayer of our hearts, mysterious seeds destined to bear fruit when the time is right.
“Be holy, for I am holy!

Be“free men, serving freedom not as a veil to cover malice, but as servants of God’s Dioministers.”

“Finally, be all in agreement, sharing in the joys and sorrows of others, animated by brotherly affection, merciful, humble.”

In the evening, when we were gathered around the Blessed Sacrament in adoration, the Lord looked at us again with mercy and gave us, each of us, the opportunity to free ourselves from any lack of forgiveness among ourselves and to rebuild bridges of love. It was a moment of great grace, in which our good Jesus healed wounds and opened padlocks that had blocked authentic fraternal relationship.

The moments of sharing, especially on the second day of the meeting, were valuable opportunities to get to know each other, to receive advice, and to enrich each other.

This training helped us better understand what it means to be responsible and that it is important to know who we are, really be with ourselves, and then turn to our brothers and sisters and serve them with love.

At the time of farewells, one of the sisters in charge, exclaimed, “Now that we have just” warmed up “we have to leave! We should stay another week!”

Waiting for the time the Lord has already spoken to us about, the time when we will also have a Community Summer Campus in Romania, we each returned, with renewed hearts, to our families and brothers.

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