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The bell has rung

The 20th General Convention of the Magnificat Community was an event of truly extraordinary grace for those who attended, but also for those who were able to follow it online, both live – through the Zoom channel – and delayed – through the Community’s official YouTube channel – as is possible today, thanks to new technologies.

The same YouTube channel will also feature full live broadcasts including prayer times, communications and testimonies.

We collect here, in chronological order, the homilies and catecheses that marked the three days lived in the Palamontepaschi of Chianciano Terme, between April 23 and 25, 2022, both with video and audio, the latter downloadable.

Homily of the First Eucharistic Celebration, April 23, 2022, delivered by Father Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu, general spiritual adviser of the Community.

Magnificat Community General Manager Andrea Orsini introduces the 20th General Convention.

First catechesis given by Father Mariano Michniak on the afternoon of April 23.

Second catechesis given by Sarah Bishop, on the morning of April 24.

Homily delivered by Fr. Fabrizio Orsini at the second Eucharistic celebration, April 24.

Third catechesis given on the afternoon of April 24 by Fr. Livio Taccchini.

Fourth catechesis given on April 25 by the Community’s general moderator, Maria Rita Castellani.

Homily by Fr. Daniele Malatacca at the third and final Eucharistic celebration of the 20th General Convention, April 25.

Ma liberaci dal maligno Ma liberaci dal maligno ACQUISTA ORA