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Community Day Tuscany Zone

You have made known to me Your ways, You will fill me with Joy by Your presence

Acts 2:28

On Sunday, May 21, 2017, the fraternity day of the Tuscany Zone of the Magnificat Community was held in Vogognano (Arezzo): Bibbiena, Cortona, Magione-Agello, Marti and Genoa.

After an intense communal prayer, Luca di Tolve gave us a testimony about the encounter with Christ in his life, after a difficult childhood and a youth spent as a homosexual, the encounter with Our Lady in Medjugorje and the true Joy of a marriage and a daughter.

Catechesis was given in the afternoon before Mass by Fr Gianni Castorani of the Florence community “Easter Morning Sentinels” fraternity established to respond to the call for the New Evangelization. Fr Gianni made us meditate carefully on what it means to remain anchored in Christ in order to fill ourselves with His Joy and spread it throughout the world.

Below are all the audio and video contributions from the day, which can also always be found on the Community Vimeo channel.

Audio – Testimony of Luca di Tolve scarica
Audio – Homily Don Gianni Castorani scarica
Audio – Catechesis of Don Gianni Castorani scarica

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