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General Convention 2017

Below are the mp3 files of everything that was said during the 2017 Convention.

Happy listening!

01 – Homily of the Initial Mass: Father Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu
02 – Introduction to the Conference: Andrea Orsini
03 – Homily of the second day: Father Anton Bulai
04 – Tale of the Beginning: Testimonies of Agnese Mezzetti, Wanda Rossi and Stefano Ragnacci
05 – The Promise of Poverty: Stefano Ragnacci
06 – The Promise of Forgiveness: Teresa Ciociola
07 – Testimony on Forgiveness: Burundi Priest
08 – Homily of the third day: don Luigi Maria Epicoco
09 – Community history: story by Daniele Mezzetti, Massimo Roscini and Paolo Bartoccini
10 – The Promise of Building Love, Alessandra Pauluzzi
11 – Covenant Homily, Card.
12 – Alliance Greetings
13 – Homily of the fourth day: Fr. Livio Tacchini
14 – The Promise of Service: Daniele Mezzetti

Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni ACQUISTA ORA