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Moses took the book of the covenant
And read it in the presence of the people.
They said, “What the Lord has said,
we will perform it and listen to you.”

Exodus 24:7

L’Covenant is the solemn commitment to dedicate one’s life to the Lord that makes a brother or sister a member of the Community.

First pronounced after a path to admission and then renewed annually, this commitment contains at its core the Four Promises that the Lord first asked of the Community: poverty, permanent forgiveness, love building, service. They are a path of holiness.

Through the path they draw in the life of each ally they guide him or her, in every relationship, to always start from a deep knowledge of one’s personal poverty, to open oneself to a permanent forgiveness of one’s neighbor, for the building of Christian love with all, from a service perspective.

Here is the text of the Commitment, which allies sign on their own page in the Book of the Covenant, then kept by the sisters of theAgnus Dei in Perugia:

Aware of the call to be part of the Magnificat Community, to serve God, glorify him, love him and love the brethren by building one body with them; Trusting not in my own strength but only in the Lord and wanting to dedicate my life to him:

  • To be faithful to the promises of Poverty, Permanent Forgiveness, Love Building and Service;
  • To be a witness of Christ by the proclamation of the Gospel, participating fully in the life and mission of the Community, according to my charisms;
  • To devote a daily time to personal prayer, celebrate the Eucharist daily and set aside a weekly time for Eucharistic adoration;
  • To build relationships of Christian love with everyone, especially by sharing my life with my brothers and sisters in the Community and with all those whom the Lord would like to add to it;
  • To live the spiritual accompaniment in the Community, to support the life and mission of the Community by tithing, and to welcome the ministry of the Leaders.

Conscious of the life and purposes of the Community expressed in the Rule and wanting, like Mary to unite contemplation with action, I declare before God and the brothers my willingness to live as a member of the Community.

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