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Do not be surprised…

Father Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu, general spiritual counselor of the Community, on behalf of the general leaders, offers us a reflection on what the Lord is saying to us at this time.Enjoy.

Like Gideon, we free the heart

Maria Rita Castellani, general manager of Magnificat Community, shares a reflection on the passage from Gideon 6:11-16.

Sing and Walk

Stefano Ragnacci – on behalf of the general leaders – continues the reflection on what the Lord is saying to our Community in this time.Enjoy the vision.

In the desert the Word guides us

Vincenzo Genovese, encourages the Community to be guided by the Word of God in the desert of this time, just as the Lord is suggesting to do in the prayer times of the general managers’ meetings.

He who sees me sees the Father

Teresa Ciociola, following what the Lord suggests in prayer to the general leaders of the Magnificat Community, urges us to become imitators of Jesus in showing the face of the Father to the world with our lives in the relationships we are given.

Community Day Tuscany Zone

You have made known to me Your ways, You will fill me with Joy by Your presence Acts 2:28 On Sunday, May 21, 2017, the fraternity day of the Tuscany Zone of the Magnificat Community was held in Vogognano (Arezzo): Bibbiena, Cortona, Magione-Agello, Marti and Genoa. After an intense communal prayer, Luca di Tolve gave […]

General Managers Elected

The General Assembly of the Magnificat Community, composed of the Elders and Moderators of its component Fraternities and Zones, on Sunday, February 10, 2019, in Rome, elected the new general managers who will serve in the 2019-2022 triennium. Elected were Giuseppe Piegai, Maria Rita Castellani, Stefano Ragnacci, Teresa Ciociola and Vicenzo Genovese. The approximately fifty […]

Joshua and Jordan priests of the Lord

Magnificat Community celebrates with the whole Church in Perugia the priestly ordination of Joshua and Jordan Two young men with sunny smiles and open dispositions: they are the newly ordained priests of Perugia, Giosuè Busti, 31, and Giordano Commodi, 39, who were ordained by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti on Saturday, June 29, at St. Lawrence Cathedral. […]

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