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“Come O Creator Spirit.”

Here is the 2011-2012 walk booklet in PDF format.

Testimonies from the 12th Convention

I I am Gabriel, and I want to testify how much the Lord has accomplished for me. The Holy Spirit has performed so many wonders in me, but the first thing, the most important thing, is that he has given me a new heart, free from complexes, unencumbered by fears and resistances, he has worked […]

“Come O Creator Spirit.”

The Magnificat Community’s new CD entitled “Come O Creator Spirit“. In theme with the 2011-2012 Magnificat Community Allies Walk , here is the new Magnificat RnS Community CD: Come Creator Spirit! 14 songs to sing to the Spirit and in the Spirit!!! Plasmami Come Creator Spirit Holy, Holy Spirit I abandon myself Sequence Come down […]

Photo Gallery General Convention 2012

Here are some photos from the general conference… For those who want for a moment to remember how good it is to be together to grow in faith.

Spiritual accompaniment

From March 9-11 in Sacrofano, Rome some 220 allies gathered to talk together about training and growth. Accompaniment is a stable community reality since the 1980s, which has profoundly evolved and acquired the characteristics proper to the function normally performed by the spiritual father. Below are audios of the keynote speeches: Some photos from the […]

“Master teach us to pray.”

Way 2012-2013 The Magnificat Community’s growth journey begins this week under the theme“Teacher Teach Us to Pray.” “All those who are called into Community, Friends and allies, know that relationship with God is essential in our lives. Without the relationship with God, the fundamental relationship is lacking, and the relationship with God is realized in […]

“OF” Uganda, House of Love

This article was written by Oreste Pesare, director of ICCRS and one of the Community’s general managers. The article is also being published in Come and See, the magazine edited by the Community. Operation Little Brother, a nonprofit association of the Magnificat Community, is committed to offering a service of love to the world’s poor […]

Give thanks

Don Livio Tacchini, with his usual wisdom, makes us meditate on what it means to give thanks, in this video that serves as an in-depth look at the second stage of this year’s journey.


In this year the whole Magnificat Community is sent by the Lord to stand at the feet of the Master, that He may teach us how to pray. A journey on prayer, so that each brother and sister of the Magnificat Community may become more and more a “man” and “woman” of prayer. Here is […]

Dec. 8, Tarcisio’s catechesis

On this special day for the Magnificat Community, a special talk by our brother Tarcisio Mezzetti, during the community day of the Perugia Zone. Happy listening!

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