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They stayed together
a whole year in that church
And they instructed many people

Acts of the Apostles 11:26

The Community is attractive to many of the people who attend it and who-perhaps through it-have come to or returned to the faith.

When a brother or sister who has received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and has attended the Discipleship path wants to continue to learn about the Magnificat Community in order to consider his or her possible entry, he or she is offered to attend meetings of what is called the School of Community, a kind of “probation” in which the essentials of the life of a Fraternity, as well as vocation and spirituality, are presented.

At the end of this pathway, if those who have participated so desire, they can apply to be admitted to the Alliance Admission Pathway.

Una piccola fiammella Una piccola fiammella ACQUISTA ORA