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He then went up the mountain, called to himself those he wanted, and they came to him.
He constituted Twelve of them-whom he called apostles-to be with him and to send them out to preach with power to cast out demons

Mark 3:13-15

The Foreword to the Statute states, “We believe that the name Magnificat indicates that each member of the Community intends to unite contemplation withaction, like Mary who, as soon as she received the gift of Jesus in herself, hastened to bring it to Elizabeth.”

One cannot really receive Jesus without bringing Him to others!

The spiritual life of the Community body, therefore, constantly alternates between worship and ministry, between being with Jesus andgoing to preach, between Tabor and the valley.

On Tabor everything seems easy, God’s voice is clear, the heart is full of joy: the hour of night worship, certain community prayers that are sorry they end, a prayer over one’s brother when God’s action is tangible… then you come down from the mountain, you come up against your own limitations and those of others, with the fatigue of the Gospel. But there is not one without the other: the valley and the mountain look at each other.

Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni ACQUISTA ORA