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Go into all the world
And proclaim the gospel to every creature

Mark 16, 15

One of the fundamental charisms that the Magnificat Community has always recognized that it has received, feeling it to be the constitutive commitment of its existence, is evangelization.

In fact, the preamble to the statute states, “We believe that the Community arose for the new evangelization. It carries out this mission not for itself, but for the Church and accomplishes it through its own witness of life and proclamation of the Gospel “.

The first way in which the Community evangelizes is in realizing itself, as the Body of Christ: like the first community described in Acts, the Community has always experienced that “the Lord daily added to the community those who were saved” (2:47). It is not, however, next to this – so to speak – “passive” mode there is then all the activity of proclamation by means of witnessing “from person to person,” aimed at saying to those encountered in daily life, “Come and see” (cf. John 1:46).
In addition, throughout its history, the Community has organized and experienced many moments of proclamation of the Gospel: seminars, missions in parishes, schools, evangelization shows…

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