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They stayed together
a whole year in that church
And they instructed many people

Acts of the Apostles 11:26

The reality of the Magnificat Community has gradually spread, as the Holy Spirit has inspired and enabled, through witnessing the community experience in places where the Community was not yet present.

This “movement” continues and, where an interest in the creation of a new Fraternity is realized, the Community initiates a “mission.” Although it may take place in different ways depending on local needs, ordinarily the mission involves holding a Seminar of New Life in the Holy Spirit in that place for interested persons, which is followed by a course of basic Christian formation – discipleship – and then a Community School with an invitation to begin a discernment to be part of the Community.

The Mission is entrusted by the Leaders to a team of allies who begin to come alongside the new reality, to serve it and verify the soundness of the eventual community vocation.

Ma liberaci dal maligno Ma liberaci dal maligno ACQUISTA ORA