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“Tabor House of Prayer” restarts

Scheduled two retreats on the figure of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. The pandemic is loosening its grip on Italy, ...

In 200 from 5 Nations

On the Wings of the Wind Two afternoons together for about 200 brothers from 35 fraternities of the Magnificat Commun...

Who are you, who am I

The Community proposes, for a small number of young participants between the ages of 14 and 18, a special experience:...

Our strength is in the Lord!

The new issue of the Community Bulletin is out; it contains a reflection by the general managers on the need to draw ...

Go all over the world…

Operation Little Brother continues to grow inside and outside the Community. Many new brothers and sisters are gettin...

Roots at the bottom fruits at the top

A seminar for couples, married or cohabiting, curated by Alessandra Pauluzzi and Daniele Mezzetti, will be held in th...

“As a fruitful vine”

In the issue coming out these days of Venite e Vedrete, the historic magazine of the Magnificat Community, there is a...

“Without love I would be nothing.”

The new issue of the Community Bulletin, the July issue, is out. It contains a reflection by the general managers on ...

Announcing Jesus with the Eucharist

Young people from a number of fraternities in central Italy organized an evening of evangelization in Passignano sul ...

God multiplies loaves and fishes!

of Magnificat Foundation onlus (Perugia)July-August 2021 Courage, give the little you have.If you share, God multipli...

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