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A New Alliance

In this video, Stefano Ragnacci, Moderator General of the Community, invites allies, new and old, to seek novelty at ...

Love–instructions for use

Are you between 14 and 19 years old? Do you want to have a special New Year’s Eve? Come to Umbria with us: we w...

Christmas Concert

The MUSICANOVA International Polyphonic Choir and the IRIDE Youth Choir in concert on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2021, will pr...

Good news from the community

The December 2021 bulletin, coinciding with the Christmas solemnity, is ready to be leafed through. In addition to th...

A fire that wants to flare up!

Here is the new Community Bulletin, dated January 2022, containing various things, including one, very welcome one: a...

How to make the accompaniment

Between Jan. 3 and Jan. 5, a large number of brothers and sisters involved in spiritual accompaniment logged on for t...

Courage and get to work!

The 10th General Assembly of the Magnificat Community, which met at the Tabor House of Prayer in Agello (PG) on Feb. ...

Election in sight

This coming Saturday, Feb. 12 and Sunday, Feb. 13, the Moderator General of the Community, Stefano Ragnacci, convened...

Together again!

The General Managers of the Magnificat Community have prepared the program for theXX General Convention,scheduled for...

A prophecy from the generals

Here is the new Community Bulletin. In its 8 pages you will find: A prophecy from the General Managers; all those ele...

«Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» «Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» ACQUISTA ORA