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The bell has rung

The 20th General Convention of the Magnificat Community was an event of truly extraordinary grace for those who atten...

Tabor House, house of prayer

Tabor House of Prayer offers short two-day retreats for small groups (maximum 25 people) with space for personal pray...

Wedding bells!

The May Bulletin found here contains the text of the last catechesis of the General Convention, given by the new Mode...


The Tabor House of Prayer (Via Solitaria 21 – Agello PG) of the Magnificat Community in collaboration with the ...

Bright to draw to Jesus

Here is the June Bulletin, with a reflection from the general leaders, an account of the first Operation Little Broth...

“Always seek the face of God.”

Here is the issue of the Bulletin for the month of September: With Jesus on Jesus Build. The first article urges us t...

A new “House of Common Life!”

After a long discernment, on August 12, 2021, Mihaela Dinca, an Agnus Dei ally sister of the Betleem Fraternity in Po...

Report of the Tenth General Assembly

Here is the February Community Bulletin, with the report of the 10th General Assembly, in which new general managers ...

Rebirth from Above

There are several interesting things in this issue: Called, all together, to be reborn from Above General Convention ...

I am the dream of God

On the same days as the Community’s General Convention, a spiritual experience is offered to young people betwe...

L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici ACQUISTA ORA