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Full joy!

The July issue of the Community Information Bulletin, edited by the general managers, brings us some reflections and ...

“Do you want to get well?”

Here are all the videos from the seminar In the days between June 18 and 19, at the Fellini Hall of the Acqua Santa P...

Gold that fills the wounds

It is beginning to become a beautiful reality that has been emerging for about a year now, with a series of experienc...


Here is the August Bulletin, with a series of good news and with a prophecy, contained in the first article: Happy re...

A new retreat

“SAINT TERESA OF JESUS CHILD: FRAGILE AS ALL, HAPPY AS FEW“ Two days of prayer and listening at the schoo...

The bell has rung

The 20th General Convention of the Magnificat Community was an event of truly extraordinary grace for those who atten...

Tabor House, house of prayer

Tabor House of Prayer offers short two-day retreats for small groups (maximum 25 people) with space for personal pray...

Wedding bells!

The May Bulletin found here contains the text of the last catechesis of the General Convention, given by the new Mode...


The Tabor House of Prayer (Via Solitaria 21 – Agello PG) of the Magnificat Community in collaboration with the ...

Bright to draw to Jesus

Here is the June Bulletin, with a reflection from the general leaders, an account of the first Operation Little Broth...

Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti ACQUISTA ORA