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Site offline for four days

As you could probably tell, the site was unreachable for four days in early July, due to a cyber attack that forced a...

Warning! fire in progress…

As every year at this time many fraternities of the Magnificat Community concentrate their efforts in one of its main...

“Our Father”

Growth Path 2014-2015 Starting this weekend, the whole Community begins the new 2014/2015 growth journey on the theme...

Pope speaks to Catholic fraternity

We reproduce the address given by the Holy Father to the Catholic Fraternity (of which the Community is a part) on th...

Community from Pope Francis

The Magnificat Community was present at the III World Congress of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities. Anaudience...

Charismatic editions in Romania

Perhaps not everyone in the Community knows that for the past few years the Fraternity of Bucharest has opened a publ...

The new community secretariat

This short video to present how we are improving our organization!

With Jesus!

On Sunday, October 2, 2016, the Perugia area of the Community met in Marsciano where Carlo Cerati and Daniela Saetta ...

A new Community CD

On the occasion of the Magnificat Community’s 40th birthday (1979-2019), we released a CD of songs entitled ...

Starcup Project 2010

Interview with Mauro Mariani, coach of the Charismines Le Carismine, the Magnificat Community women’s 5-a-side ...

Dialoghi fraterni Dialoghi fraterni ACQUISTA ORA