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The fire of love

Here is the April Bulletin for you to read and ponder! Contains: Happy reading

“Let your light shine
before men.”

The 21st General Convention is just around the corner! From April 29 to May 1, at the Palamontepaschi in Chianciano T...

It is harvest time!

The March Bulletin contains a lot of news, but above all a pressing invitation from the Lord to the whole Community: ...

Fighting demons

Merry Christmas to all! Here is the December Bulletin with: Happy reading

Our soul magnifies the Lord!

After a complete graphic and functional makeover-to make it more usable especially in reading from mobile devices (i....

3 Unpublished books by Tarcisio!

Come and See

With just a few days to go before the big event of the General Convention in Chianciano 2023, the historic Magnificat...

Sowing in the early morning

The June bulletin contains many interesting things: Happy reading!

Dragon or lamb?

Here is the May Bulletin, obviously dedicated to the XXI General Convention. Contains:

Faith, if it is there, moves mountains

With punctuality comes out the monthly issue of the Bulletin that the General Managers send to all those belonging to...

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