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As the fruit of her own conversion to Christianity, Veronica Zeynep, a very young sister from Istanbul, published this collection of nine of her songs in 2012, all in Turkish except one in English: Kalbim seninle ( My heart is with you); Ey Tanrım, lütfet bana ( Lord, have mercy on me); Gel Kutsal Ruh ( Come Holy Spirit); Kurtuluşumsum sen ( You are my salvation); Övgüler Rabbe ( Praise the Lord); Kyrie eleison; Hallelujah; Only Jesus Christ ( Only Jesus Christ); Yüceliğini göster ya Rab ( Show your glory Lord)

In the recording of the CD participated:

VOICES: Veronica Zeynep, Andrew Hochstedler
INSTRUMENTS: Guitar: Veronica Zeynep. Flute: Andrew Hochstedler. Organ: Fransua Burhan

Below are the mp3s of the 9 tracks:

Kalbim seninle (My heart is with you)
Ey Tanrım, lütfet bana (Lord, have mercy on me)
Gel Kutsal Ruh (Come Holy Spirit)
Kurtuluşumsum sen (You are my salvation)
Övgüler Rabbe (Praise the Lord)
Kyrie eleison
Only Jesus Christ
Yüceliğini göster ya Rab (Show your glory Lord)

These are the texts and chords of the songs in this collection:

Here is a video from a song in this collection

«Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» «Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» ACQUISTA ORA