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“OF” Uganda, House of Love

This article was written by Oreste Pesare, director of ICCRS and one of the Community’s general managers. The article is also being published in Come and See, the magazine edited by the Community. Operation Little Brother, a nonprofit association of the Magnificat Community, is committed to offering a service of love to the world’s poor […]

Give me a high five!

Support “Operation Little Brother” with 5×1000 Starting this year, Magnificat Community’s long-distance adoption project. “Operation Little Brother” will be eligible to receive 5 per thousand of its tax revenue. What is 5 per thousand? The Financial Law of the Italian State grants the possibility for the taxpayer to allocate a part of the taxes due […]

Magnificat Foundation established

On April 14, 2014, the MAGNIFICAT FOUNDATION was established by public deed by the Magnificat Community with headquarters in St. Manno: “The Foundation intends to pursue, in a profoundly Christian spirit, in accordance with the Gospel message and the teachings of the Catholic Church, purposes of social solidarity directed at bringing benefits to persons disadvantaged […]

L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici ACQUISTA ORA