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Permanent Eucharistic adoration

Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the Papal Household, was the speaker at the meeting “The Eucharist makes the Church through Adoration,” sponsored by the Magnificat Community. On Sunday, May 18, 2014, at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Horseshoe Father Raniero Cantalamessa Ofm cap, preacher of the Papal Household, gave a teaching to […]

P. Raniero to the youth of the Community

At the meeting in Perugia for the event dedicated to permanent adoration Father Raniero stopped earlier to share reflections to the young people of the Community. Here we make its recording available to all. A warm invitation to listen to the catechesis!

«Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» «Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» ACQUISTA ORA