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11th General Convention

Beloved, justified, incorporated, sent! The 11th Magnificat Community Conference concluded on Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011. More than 1,200 brothers from Italian and foreign fraternities participated in the retreat, which is always filled with spiritual graces every year. Catecheses were given by the Preacher of the Papal Household Father Raniero Cantalamessa. During the retreat, members of […]

Community Video

So, it’s official. The Community videos will be placed on Vimeo, without advertising and with our own page. Raniero Cantalamessa’s videos from last year will also be transferred, and there will be only one link on the WebTV page. Since we will have much more space, all fraternities will be able to upload meaningful videos…. […]

Give thanks

Don Livio Tacchini, with his usual wisdom, makes us meditate on what it means to give thanks, in this video that serves as an in-depth look at the second stage of this year’s journey.


In this year the whole Magnificat Community is sent by the Lord to stand at the feet of the Master, that He may teach us how to pray. A journey on prayer, so that each brother and sister of the Magnificat Community may become more and more a “man” and “woman” of prayer. Here is […]

The plea

The third in-depth video for this community year’s journey.

Videos from the 2013 Convention

Here are the videos of the 2013 General Convention:

Standing in the presence of God

Insight into the fourth stage of the 2012/13 Magnificat Community Walk. Being in the presence of God: beyond meditation, the intimate dialogue of prayer.

In the desert the Word guides us

Vincenzo Genovese, encourages the Community to be guided by the Word of God in the desert of this time, just as the Lord is suggesting to do in the prayer times of the general managers’ meetings.

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