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Charismatic life formation, all videos and texts

In the days between December 27 and 29, 2019, about three hundred brothers and sisters of the Italian Fraternities of the Community gathered in Chianciano Terme for a formation led by the general leaders on charismatic life.On this page are all the videos of the homilies, as well as the videos and texts of the […]

In the desert the Word guides us

Vincenzo Genovese, encourages the Community to be guided by the Word of God in the desert of this time, just as the Lord is suggesting to do in the prayer times of the general managers’ meetings.

General Managers Elected

The General Assembly of the Magnificat Community, composed of the Elders and Moderators of its component Fraternities and Zones, on Sunday, February 10, 2019, in Rome, elected the new general managers who will serve in the 2019-2022 triennium. Elected were Giuseppe Piegai, Maria Rita Castellani, Stefano Ragnacci, Teresa Ciociola and Vicenzo Genovese. The approximately fifty […]

«Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» «Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» ACQUISTA ORA