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“You will show me the path of life.”

2011-2012 beginning of the year retreat in Perugia We met for the beginning of the journey retreat at the Fonte Angelica Hotel, a beautiful place full of greenery and water, in Nocera Umbra. It is the former seminary, now run by a cooperative. A Saturday and Sunday where we prepared for the new journey, officially […]

“Come O Creator Spirit.”

Here is the 2011-2012 walk booklet in PDF format.

“Master teach us to pray.”

Way 2012-2013 The Magnificat Community’s growth journey begins this week under the theme“Teacher Teach Us to Pray.” “All those who are called into Community, Friends and allies, know that relationship with God is essential in our lives. Without the relationship with God, the fundamental relationship is lacking, and the relationship with God is realized in […]

Give thanks

Don Livio Tacchini, with his usual wisdom, makes us meditate on what it means to give thanks, in this video that serves as an in-depth look at the second stage of this year’s journey.


In this year the whole Magnificat Community is sent by the Lord to stand at the feet of the Master, that He may teach us how to pray. A journey on prayer, so that each brother and sister of the Magnificat Community may become more and more a “man” and “woman” of prayer. Here is […]

The plea

The third in-depth video for this community year’s journey.

Standing in the presence of God

Insight into the fourth stage of the 2012/13 Magnificat Community Walk. Being in the presence of God: beyond meditation, the intimate dialogue of prayer.

“But I say to you, be perfect.”

Called to holinessMagnificat Community Growth Path 2013/2014 “Be perfect!” But what is perfection? What is holiness? The world places holiness on a purely supernatural plane and believes that it is a path for a few,for special people. Instead, we know that holiness is not something unattainable, but is a road that runs through the everyday […]

The step-by-step walk in Community

Here are the contents of a training seminar, held in Foligno in 2006, in which the structure of the stages of the community journey was deepened. Download audio files:

Beatitudes, mirror of the disciple

Here is the 2009/2010 Walk booklet in PDF format:

L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici ACQUISTA ORA