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Do not say, “I am young.
You will go to everyone to whom I send you
And thou shalt say all that I shall command thee

Jeremiah 1:7
Monsignor Chiaretti’s decree of approval

It was in 2003 that, Archbishop of Perugia Giuseppe Chiaretti, established a new commission to revise the Statute. On December 24, 2004, the work of revision-although amid many difficulties that also caused the separation of an area-came to its end with the official approval of the new text.

Here is the pdf file of the Rule of Life approved by Monsignor Chiaretti:

Rule of Life – December 24, 2003Download

This is the audio of the speech he delivered to the assembled community at the general convention in Montesilvano the following January, as he handed over the new bylaws:

Dialoghi fraterni Dialoghi fraterni ACQUISTA ORA