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In the year 2011 this collection of songs dedicated mainly to the Holy Spirit saw the light of day, with 14 songs.

Below is the list of songs and their authors, all members of the Community: Plasmami ( Daniela Saetta); Come Creator Spirit ( Alessandro Di Michele); Holy, Holy Spirit ( Gloria Roscini); I abandon myself ( Daniela Saetta); Sequence ( Don Livio Tacchini); Come down Holy Spirit ( Lucius Pius Moilnaro); The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ( Valter Ferrero); Love you and make you love ( Daniela Saetta); Spirit of love ( Elena Yarrow Mezzetti); That I seek you ( Daniela Saetta); Infante Dio ( Don Livio Tacchini); Magnificat ( Daniela Saetta); Maranathà (Daniela Saetta); Call the Spirit(Daniela Saetta).

The songs were performed by:

VOICES: Valentina Bettelli, Elisa Calderini, Brother Diego Entali, Valter Ferrero, Gioia Fioriti, Guglielmo Fumi, Luca Mondanelli, Sarah Piccioni, Francesca Roscini, Gloria Roscini, Stefano Roscini, Daniela Saetta, Don Livio Tacchini, Silvia Vinti
INSTRUMENTS: Piano: Manuel Magrini, Michele Rossetti. Guitar: Valter Ferrero. Bass: Francesco Platoni. Trumpet: Giampiero Magrini
ARRANGEMENTS: Alberto Brizzi

These are the mp3s of the songs:

Come Creator Spirit
Holy, Holy Spirit
I abandon myself
Come down Holy Spirit
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
To love you and be loved
Spirit of love
For me to look for you
Infant God
Call the Spirit

Here is a video from an excerpt of this collection

Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti Quello che ascoltate all’orecchio predicatelo sui tetti ACQUISTA ORA