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You did not choose me,
but I have chosen you

John 15, 16

For members of the Community, theCovenant is a true vocation that is integrated into the state of life in which one finds oneself: in that of marriage, in fatherhood and motherhood, in celibacy for the Kingdom, in consecrated ministry.

One comes to an awareness of such a vocation by means of a path of discernment that starts very far…

Brothers and sisters who come in contact with the Community, after the experience of theoutpouring of the Holy Spirit, are offered a path of deepening and growth so that the new life in the Spirit experienced takes firm root.

This path, called discipleship, leads people to discover that being a Christian means entering into an ever-deepening communal relationship with others walking with them, having before them the model of the early Christian community.

During the time of discipleship therefore, brothers and sisters are helped to listen to the Spirit so that He may reveal what God’s plan is for them, what Christian community He is calling them to be part of. Some, feeling that it is precisely the Magnificat Community where the Lord is calling them, begin the journey of discernment which, from discipleship leads them to the school of community, and which can then lead them to ask to experience the Admission Path, with a view to entering the Covenant.

Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni ACQUISTA ORA