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San Manno: work in progress

San Manno: work in progress

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

At the feet of Jesus

At the feet of Jesus

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Living Presence

Living Presence

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

In prayer to plead for peace

In prayer to plead for peace

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Community “heart” grows

Community “heart” grows

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

“What the Spirit says to the Churches.”

“What the Spirit says to the Churches.”

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

They will eat of it, and it will be left over

They will eat of it, and it will be left over

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Let’s start walking

Let’s start walking

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Presentation of the Way

Presentation of the Way

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Fraternity leaders: a mission

Fraternity leaders: a mission

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Choosing to love God and the brethren

Choosing to love God and the brethren

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Pakistan Flood Emergency – 2022

Pakistan Flood Emergency – 2022

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

All retreats at Casa Tabor

All retreats at Casa Tabor

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Ready for battle

Ready for battle

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

Let your heart guide you!

Let your heart guide you!

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

A full house!

A full house!

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Comunità Magnificat

…a dream of God…

The Magnificat Community recognized by the Church

45 years after first church approval comes final approval

Friday, January 19, 2024 the delivery of the Decree

On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dec. 8, 2023, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity Family and Life, signed the Decree by which he recognized the Magnificat Community as a International Association of the Faithful and approved its Bylaws, ad experimentum for five years.

comunità magnificat

News and Events

News of general interest for the past 90 days. In the NEWS section, accessed from the menu, is an archive of news items sorted chronologically back to the year 2008, the birth date of the official community website.

26 September 2024

San Manno: work in progress

On August 26, 2024, the final work needed to permanently renovate the north wing of the St. Manno complex, home of the Magnificat Community, began….

14 September 2024

At the feet of Jesus

Here is the September Bulletin.It brings us various news:

14 September 2024

Living Presence

It is a great occasion to praise and thank our Lord Jesus on Sunday, September 15, 2024, when we will celebrate the four decades since the Magnific…

23 August 2024

In prayer to plead for peace

CHARIS, the Vatican body created by Pope Francis to bring together all Catholic charismatic realities in the world, organized, with the blessing of…

23 August 2024

Community “heart̶…

At the Community’s 12th General Assembly, held at Tabor House in Agello over the weekend of Sept. 17-18, 2022, nine new “elders” …

23 August 2024

“What the Spirit says…

With the presentation on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022, at 3:30 p.m., from the Shrine of Caravaggio – Santa Maria del Fonte, all members of the Magn…

23 August 2024

They will eat of it, and it…

Here is the new September bulletin, in which there is, as is often the case, a sharing of what the Lord says to the Community through the general m…

23 August 2024

Let’s start walking

In the October Bulletin there are: The presentation of the Way by the General Managers; The journey in stages and the inspirations of the Spirit; T…

23 August 2024

Presentation of the Way

Here is the video and audio of the 2022-2023 Growth Path Presentation, as well as those of the tools for living it well, given by Andrea Orsini and…

23 August 2024

Fraternity leaders: a mission

Between November 5 and 6, 2022, a training for Fraternity Leaders took place in Chianciano terme (SI). Luigi Montesi, Paolo Bartoccini, Massimo Ros…

23 August 2024

Choosing to love God and th…

Here is the November Bulletin, which contains:

23 August 2024

Pakistan Flood Emergency &#…

The Magnificat Foundation, through Operation Little Brother, has mobilized-in its own small way-with an extraordinary fundraiser to meet the reques…

23 August 2024

All retreats at Casa Tabor

Casa Tabor, for the year 2023, offers the following spiritual retreat initiatives to those who would like to take advantage of them.

23 August 2024

Ready for battle

Here is the December Bulletin; it contains:

23 August 2024

Let your heart guide you!

Jesus, in one of his last public teachings, pointed out a precise way to adjust about the final judgment to which each of us will be subjected: …

23 August 2024

A full house!

In this pyrst Bulletin of 2023, there was little space for the amount of things succinctly reported in it and those that could have been in it. We …

23 August 2024

News to share

Here is the February Bulletin, featuring: Happy reading!

23 August 2024

The fire of love

Here is the April Bulletin for you to read and ponder! Contains: Happy reading

23 August 2024

“Let your light shine…

The 21st General Convention is just around the corner! From April 29 to May 1, at the Palamontepaschi in Chianciano Terme (SI), with a truly rich p…

23 August 2024

It is harvest time!

The March Bulletin contains a lot of news, but above all a pressing invitation from the Lord to the whole Community: this is a time of gathering, i…

23 August 2024

Fighting demons

Merry Christmas to all! Here is the December Bulletin with: Happy reading

23 August 2024

Our soul magnifies the Lord!

After a complete graphic and functional makeover-to make it more usable especially in reading from mobile devices (i.e., cell phones)-the January B…

23 August 2024

3 Unpublished books by Tarc…

23 August 2024

Come and See

With just a few days to go before the big event of the General Convention in Chianciano 2023, the historic Magnificat Community magazine “Com…

23 August 2024

Sowing in the early morning

The June bulletin contains many interesting things: Happy reading!

23 August 2024

Dragon or lamb?

Here is the May Bulletin, obviously dedicated to the XXI General Convention. Contains:

23 August 2024

Faith, if it is there, move…

With punctuality comes out the monthly issue of the Bulletin that the General Managers send to all those belonging to the Magnificat Community. Her…

23 August 2024

We believe in the power of God

With a host of good news, here is the July Bulletin: Happy reading!

23 August 2024

A love this big

An unpublished paper by Tarcisio Mezzetti is being released today, many years after it was written, by Magnificat Community Editions. It is a short…

23 August 2024

Abraham will guide us

Here are the contents of the September Bulletin:

23 August 2024

A cry goes up from Pakistan

Since 2016, the Magnificat Community has been leading a mission in Pakistan, in collaboration with various priests. Over the course of these years …

23 August 2024

A source of water for all!

Here are the contents of the November Bulletin: Happy reading!

23 August 2024

Community Magnificat, you b…

The October Bulletin brings with it the vision of the general leaders, as they have received it in prayer, on the year of activity and journey ahea…

23 August 2024

Church approves Magnificat …

23 August 2024

A great day of celebration

Forty-five years after the first ecclesiastical approval comes final papal approval from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, signed Dec. 8, 2…

23 August 2024

Guns fire, but then they jam

A day of darkness and light in Istanbul The fact Sunday, January 28, was supposed to be a beautiful day. The community had gathered to pray, to sin…

23 August 2024

The first 12 allies in Arge…

“God’s Dream” continues in Latin America with its first 12 Argentine allies On Sunday, February 4, in the presence of his Excelle…

23 August 2024

“My blessing!”

Father Raniero Cantalamessa, our cardinal friend, sends us this greeting and blessing on the occasion of the pontifical recognition of the Magnific…

23 August 2024

But deliver us from the evi…

Community elder Luigi Montesi offers us a small – very useful – book to orient us in the world of liberation and inner healing, startin…

23 August 2024

In the heart of Jesus

In the first article of this Bulletin, our general leaders share a very articulate and profound prophecy about our vocation. There is then news tha…

23 August 2024

Take up the cross and follo…

There are many things in this issue of the Community Information Bulletin:

23 August 2024

Converting to bear fruit

The April Bulletin contains many stimuli for reflection, for praising God, and various news to know. Happy reading!

23 August 2024

Come Holy Spirit

It will be the Magnificat Community to animate in the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Lorenzo, in Perugia, the Vigil of Pentecost on Saturday , May 1…

23 August 2024

Touching the Heart of Jesus

The May Bulletin is online and brings us much news:

23 August 2024

Pastors renewed in the Spirit

A Vita Nuova seminar for priests in theArchdiocese of Bucharest Monsignor Aurel Percă, Archbishop of Bucharest, asked the Magnificat Community to h…

23 August 2024

The good shepherd

The Bulletin “With Jesus, on Jesus, build!” in July presents a great novelty: Each article can be read, but also LISTENED to, by pressi…

23 August 2024

Testimonials from the Camp

Here are some testimonials about the experience of Camp 2010 Dear brothers, I am writing to witness to you, the beauty of the camping organized by …

23 August 2024

10th General Convention

Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice The 10th General Convention of the Magnificat Community was held in Montesilvan…

23 August 2024

11th General Convention

Beloved, justified, incorporated, sent! The 11th Magnificat Community Conference concluded on Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011. More than 1,200 brothers from…

23 August 2024

9th General Convention

Behold the dwelling place of God among men The General Convention is always an important time, but this 9th Convention was special for several reas…

23 August 2024

Community Video

So, it’s official. The Community videos will be placed on Vimeo, without advertising and with our own page. Raniero Cantalamessa’s vide…

23 August 2024

Camp 2011 photo gallery

And there you have it … camp 2011! A few fewer participants-the economic crisis is being felt-but a lot of peace, a time to “recharge&#…

23 August 2024

David’s Sling

Lots of news in the June Bulletin to learn about God’s work in the community Here is the summary 🖋 A prophecy from the General Assembly 🖋 Sad…

23 August 2024

Everyone brings a little piece

The August Bulletin pleases everyone: those who like to read, those who like to look at figures, and those who like to listen: there are the articl…

23 August 2024

“You will show me the…

2011-2012 beginning of the year retreat in Perugia We met for the beginning of the journey retreat at the Fonte Angelica Hotel, a beautiful place f…

23 August 2024

12th General Convention

Montesilvano January 5-8, 2012 These are all the audios from the just-concluded General Convention, some texts and a Power Point presentation, for …

23 August 2024

Don’t neglect to than…

Here is the catechesis given in the Perugia area by Alessandra Mercati on December 8, 2011, the Feast of the Community.

23 August 2024

“Come O Creator Spiri…

Here is the 2011-2012 walk booklet in PDF format.

23 August 2024

Testimonies from the 12th C…

I I am Gabriel, and I want to testify how much the Lord has accomplished for me. The Holy Spirit has performed so many wonders in me, but the first…

23 August 2024

“Come O Creator Spiri…

The Magnificat Community’s new CD entitled “Come O Creator Spirit“. In theme with the 2011-2012 Magnificat Community Allies Walk …

23 August 2024

Photo Gallery General Conve…

Here are some photos from the general conference… For those who want for a moment to remember how good it is to be together to grow in faith.

23 August 2024

Spiritual accompaniment

From March 9-11 in Sacrofano, Rome some 220 allies gathered to talk together about training and growth. Accompaniment is a stable community reality…

23 August 2024

“Master teach us to p…

Way 2012-2013 The Magnificat Community’s growth journey begins this week under the theme“Teacher Teach Us to Pray.” “All th…

23 August 2024

“OF” Uganda, Ho…

This article was written by Oreste Pesare, director of ICCRS and one of the Community’s general managers. The article is also being published…

23 August 2024

Give thanks

Don Livio Tacchini, with his usual wisdom, makes us meditate on what it means to give thanks, in this video that serves as an in-depth look at the …

23 August 2024


In this year the whole Magnificat Community is sent by the Lord to stand at the feet of the Master, that He may teach us how to pray. A journey on …

23 August 2024

Dec. 8, Tarcisio’s ca…

On this special day for the Magnificat Community, a special talk by our brother Tarcisio Mezzetti, during the community day of the Perugia Zone. Ha…

23 August 2024

The plea

The third in-depth video for this community year’s journey.

23 August 2024

Videos from the 2013 Conven…

Here are the videos of the 2013 General Convention:

23 August 2024

Standing in the presence of…

Insight into the fourth stage of the 2012/13 Magnificat Community Walk. Being in the presence of God: beyond meditation, the intimate dialogue of p…

23 August 2024

Guidelines on accompaniment

On February 9, 2013, during the General Council of the Magnificat Community, H.E.R. Msgr. Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia – Città d…

23 August 2024

Election of general managers

On Sunday, March 17, 2013, at 11:50 a.m. the new five General Managers of the Magnificat Community were elected during the Chapter held at the San …

23 August 2024

Do not be surprised…

Father Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu, general spiritual counselor of the Community, on behalf of the general leaders, offers us a reflection on what th…

23 August 2024

Charismatic life formation,…

In the days between December 27 and 29, 2019, about three hundred brothers and sisters of the Italian Fraternities of the Community gathered in Chi…

23 August 2024

Like Gideon, we free the heart

Maria Rita Castellani, general manager of Magnificat Community, shares a reflection on the passage from Gideon 6:11-16.

23 August 2024

Sing and Walk

Stefano Ragnacci – on behalf of the general leaders – continues the reflection on what the Lord is saying to our Community in this time…

23 August 2024

Community songs online!

Dear friends, welcome back! As of today, the Magnificat Community has decided to start posting its songs on the official YouTube channel. We have c…

23 August 2024

In the desert the Word guid…

Vincenzo Genovese, encourages the Community to be guided by the Word of God in the desert of this time, just as the Lord is suggesting to do in the…

23 August 2024

David’s Tent

On the weekend of May 29-30, 2021, streaming between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Italy, the Magnificat Community is holding a training on music and singin…

23 August 2024

He who sees me sees the Father

Teresa Ciociola, following what the Lord suggests in prayer to the general leaders of the Magnificat Community, urges us to become imitators of Jes…

23 August 2024

May Bulletin

Here is the latest issue of the Bulletin, With Jesus on Jesus, Build!

23 August 2024

General Assembly convened

On Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, 2021, at the Tabor House of Prayer in Agello (PG), the Moderator General of the Community, Stefano Ragnacci,…

23 August 2024

From Ascension to Pentecost

Here is the booklet for praying on the days from Ascension to Pentecost, both personally and, perhaps, in fellowship with brothers and sisters.

23 August 2024

Nine new “elders̶…

At the recent Community General Assembly held at Tabor House in Agello, nine new “elders” from various fraternities were elected. The C…

23 August 2024

National conference in Romania

Next Saturday and Sunday, May 22-23, on the Solemnity of Pentecost, the Fraternities of Romania will gather for their 13th national conference on t…

23 August 2024

XIII Romanian National Conf…

Over the weekend of May 22-23, on the occasion of Pentecost, all five Fraternities of the Magnificat Community in Romania met with joy at the Carme…

23 August 2024

“Tabor House of Praye…

Scheduled two retreats on the figure of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. The pandemic is loosening its grip on Italy, and along with all activities …

23 August 2024

In 200 from 5 Nations

On the Wings of the Wind Two afternoons together for about 200 brothers from 35 fraternities of the Magnificat Community. The theme: music and song…

23 August 2024

Who are you, who am I

The Community proposes, for a small number of young participants between the ages of 14 and 18, a special experience: a 4-day itinerant camping tri…

23 August 2024

Our strength is in the Lord!

The new issue of the Community Bulletin is out; it contains a reflection by the general managers on the need to draw strength in the Lord in this t…

23 August 2024

Go all over the world…

Operation Little Brother continues to grow inside and outside the Community. Many new brothers and sisters are getting involved in supporting the i…

23 August 2024

Roots at the bottom fruits …

A seminar for couples, married or cohabiting, curated by Alessandra Pauluzzi and Daniele Mezzetti, will be held in the Tabor House of Prayer, Agell…

23 August 2024

“As a fruitful vine&#…

In the issue coming out these days of Venite e Vedrete, the historic magazine of the Magnificat Community, there is an account of a pandemic year, …

23 August 2024

“Without love I would…

The new issue of the Community Bulletin, the July issue, is out. It contains a reflection by the general managers on the essential Christian vocati…

23 August 2024

Announcing Jesus with the E…

Young people from a number of fraternities in central Italy organized an evening of evangelization in Passignano sul Trasimeno (Perugia) on the eve…

23 August 2024

God multiplies loaves and f…

of Magnificat Foundation onlus (Perugia)July-August 2021 Courage, give the little you have.If you share, God multiplies… Dear Workers and Col…

23 August 2024

My door remains open

The Tabor House of Prayer, near Agello (PG), is beginning to consistently experience an activity in the service of prayer, evangelization and forma…

23 August 2024

“Lead the hearts of f…

The new August issue of the Bulletin, with Jesus on Jesus Build, is now available.It contains an article on the need to always evangelize like John…

23 August 2024

Telling love

The Tabor House of Prayer (Agello – PG) of the Magnificat Community, in collaboration with the Pastoral Training Center of the Diocese of Per…

23 August 2024

Peter teaches us

On August 28-29, 2021, the annual formation and communion meeting of Romanian Fraternity leaders was held in Miercurea Ciuc, Transylvania. Two gene…

23 August 2024

New statute: final sprint

On Saturday, Sept. 25 and Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021, the work of the eighth General Assembly of the Magnificat Community will be held at Tabor House i…

23 August 2024

Young people build the seco…

Here is October’s Bulletin: With Jesus on Jesus Build. Stefano Ragnacci, in his prologue to the 8th General Assembly, points to young people …

23 August 2024

Return to Galilee

Here is the video that Stefano Ragnacci, Moderator General of the Community, offers to all allies and friends of the Community to reflect on this y…

23 August 2024

“Widen your tent.”

On Sunday, October 24, Fraternities and missions in northern Italy (Borbiago, Maguzzano, Milan, Piacenza,Turin and Treviso) met for a day of retrea…

23 August 2024

New fraternities are blosso…

The Statute entrusts the General Managers with the task of recognizing the transition of a Mission to Fraternity in formation and of a Fraternity i…

23 August 2024

“Feed them yourselves…

In this issue of the Bulletin With Jesus, About Jesus, Build! there are only two articles and both are related to what was experienced by the last …

23 August 2024

A New Alliance

In this video, Stefano Ragnacci, Moderator General of the Community, invites allies, new and old, to seek novelty at this significant time.

23 August 2024

Love–instructions for…

Are you between 14 and 19 years old? Do you want to have a special New Year’s Eve? Come to Umbria with us: we will walk outside and inside ! …

23 August 2024

Christmas Concert

The MUSICANOVA International Polyphonic Choir and the IRIDE Youth Choir in concert on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2021, will provide Operation Little Brother…

23 August 2024

Good news from the community

The December 2021 bulletin, coinciding with the Christmas solemnity, is ready to be leafed through. In addition to the first article, which, based …

23 August 2024

A fire that wants to flare up!

Here is the new Community Bulletin, dated January 2022, containing various things, including one, very welcome one: a letter that, in the imminence…

23 August 2024

How to make the accompaniment

Between Jan. 3 and Jan. 5, a large number of brothers and sisters involved in spiritual accompaniment logged on for three afternoons to listen to F…

23 August 2024

Courage and get to work!

The 10th General Assembly of the Magnificat Community, which met at the Tabor House of Prayer in Agello (PG) on Feb. 12 and 13, 2022, elected new g…

23 August 2024

Election in sight

This coming Saturday, Feb. 12 and Sunday, Feb. 13, the Moderator General of the Community, Stefano Ragnacci, convened the General Assembly to proce…

23 August 2024

Together again!

The General Managers of the Magnificat Community have prepared the program for theXX General Convention,scheduled for April 23-25, 2022,at the Pala…

23 August 2024

A prophecy from the generals

Here is the new Community Bulletin. In its 8 pages you will find: A prophecy from the General Managers; all those elected as fraternity leaders Som…

23 August 2024

Full joy!

The July issue of the Community Information Bulletin, edited by the general managers, brings us some reflections and some news. First and foremost,…

23 August 2024

“Do you want to get w…

Here are all the videos from the seminar In the days between June 18 and 19, at the Fellini Hall of the Acqua Santa Park in Chianciano Terme (SI), …

23 August 2024

Gold that fills the wounds

It is beginning to become a beautiful reality that has been emerging for about a year now, with a series of experiences offered to 14- to 19-year-o…

23 August 2024


Here is the August Bulletin, with a series of good news and with a prophecy, contained in the first article: Happy reading and. Happy conversion!

23 August 2024

A new retreat

“SAINT TERESA OF JESUS CHILD: FRAGILE AS ALL, HAPPY AS FEW“ Two days of prayer and listening at the school of St. Therese of the Child …

23 August 2024

The bell has rung

The 20th General Convention of the Magnificat Community was an event of truly extraordinary grace for those who attended, but also for those who we…

23 August 2024

Tabor House, house of prayer

Tabor House of Prayer offers short two-day retreats for small groups (maximum 25 people) with space for personal prayer, liturgy of the hours, ador…

23 August 2024

Wedding bells!

The May Bulletin found here contains the text of the last catechesis of the General Convention, given by the new Moderator General of the Community…

23 August 2024


The Tabor House of Prayer (Via Solitaria 21 – Agello PG) of the Magnificat Community in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Center of t…

23 August 2024

Bright to draw to Jesus

Here is the June Bulletin, with a reflection from the general leaders, an account of the first Operation Little Brother Day, and an account of the …

23 August 2024

“Always seek the face…

Here is the issue of the Bulletin for the month of September: With Jesus on Jesus Build. The first article urges us to seek the power of the Lord a…

23 August 2024

A new “House of Commo…

After a long discernment, on August 12, 2021, Mihaela Dinca, an Agnus Dei ally sister of the Betleem Fraternity in Popesti-Leordeni, moved into the…

23 August 2024

Report of the Tenth General…

Here is the February Community Bulletin, with the report of the 10th General Assembly, in which new general managers were elected.

23 August 2024

Rebirth from Above

There are several interesting things in this issue: Called, all together, to be reborn from Above General Convention returns Help now – Magni…

23 August 2024

I am the dream of God

On the same days as the Community’s General Convention, a spiritual experience is offered to young people between the ages of 14 and 19 for t…

23 August 2024

A grace for all

In just a few days the 20th General Convention of the Magnificat Community will begin at the Palamontepaschi in Chianciano Terme, in the province o…

23 August 2024

Prayer, fasting, mercy

“Whoever wants to find God’s heart open toward him. Do not close his own to those who plead with him.” “Three are the thing…

23 August 2024

How far does God’s me…

From March 25-27, a retreat will be held at Tabor House of Prayer (Agello, Perugia) entitled:“Telling love: how far does God’s mercy go…

23 August 2024

“I have come to bring…

The National Service of Communion CHARIS Italy organized an afternoon of prayer to celebrate 50 years since the first charismatic renewal experienc…

23 August 2024

Called to be reborn from above

After more than three years, following that of the 40th year since the founding of the Community, the most beloved general event, the General Conve…

23 August 2024

We donate together

Magnificat Community and Magnificat Foundation O.N.L.U.S. -through Operation Little Brother-are launching a fundraising campaign to help victims of…

22 August 2024

Community Moderator Elected

The new Moderator General of the Magnificat Community is MASSIMO ROSCINI. S. E. Monsignor Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia – Città d…

22 August 2024

Leaders in the Fraternity

Do you want to be responsible in the community? Ama… This could be the summary of the three days of formation that, a hundred or so brothers …

22 August 2024

Give me a high five!

Support “Operation Little Brother” with 5×1000 Starting this year, Magnificat Community’s long-distance adoption project. &#…

22 August 2024

Retreat on Discipleship

Two days to learn how to better serve disciples “The Beloved Disciple.” General framework Contents Structure Accompaniment Animator and…

22 August 2024

RCC World Youth Convention

Interview with our two special correspondents, Maria Grazia and Martina Upon returning from theWorld Meeting of Young People of the Catholic Charis…

22 August 2024

IV National Conference in R…

On the Solemnity of Pentecost – as has been the case for four years now – the Fraternities and prayer groups of the Magnificat Communit…

22 August 2024

Here are the Seminars throu…

During this time preparing us for Advent, a number of“New Life in the Holy Spirit” seminars have started throughout the community. Here…

22 August 2024

Come and See, latest issue

Here is the pdf of the latest issue of our Magazine:

22 August 2024

March Bulletin

Here is the March bulletin:contains an exhortation to love God and our brothers and sisters with all our hearts; a remembrance of Tarcisio 5 years …

22 August 2024

Ottodicembre, best wishes f…

It’s Community Day even on the other side of the world Best wishes, Magnificat Community!

22 August 2024

Christ is truly risen!

Here is the video of the general managers, addressed to the Community on the occasion of Easter 2021:

22 August 2024

8th General Retreat

My soul magnifies the Lord Introduction to the General Managers’ Conference In this time blessed by the Lord He strongly invites us to reflec…

22 August 2024

Married people are not born…

On Tuesday, April 6, at 9 p.m., the Community’s YouTube channel will broadcast the presentation of Angelo Spicuglia’s book – ally…

22 August 2024

The Community in St. Peter&…

On Saturday, May 18, 2013, four hundred brothers of the Magnificat Community from many fraternities will be in St. Peter’s Square with Pope F…

22 August 2024

The four seasons of spiritu…

A regional retreat for the disciples of the Magnificat Community was held April 6 and 7 at Villa la Quiete, Foligno. The central theme of the retre…

22 August 2024

“But I say to you, be…

Called to holinessMagnificat Community Growth Path 2013/2014 “Be perfect!” But what is perfection? What is holiness? The world places h…

22 August 2024

“Sanctifying oneself …

Concluding catechesis of the last General Convention Since many brothers have asked for a copy of the final catechesis of the retreat, I thought I …

22 August 2024

Invitation to the 14th Gene…

The General Convention of the Magnificat Community will be held next Jan. 3-6 at the now customary venue in Montesilvano (PE). This year’s th…

22 August 2024

Permanent Eucharistic adora…

Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the Papal Household, was the speaker at the meeting “The Eucharist makes the Church through Adoratio…

22 August 2024

Magnificat Foundation estab…

On April 14, 2014, the MAGNIFICAT FOUNDATION was established by public deed by the Magnificat Community with headquarters in St. Manno: “The …

22 August 2024

P. Raniero to the youth of …

At the meeting in Perugia for the event dedicated to permanent adoration Father Raniero stopped earlier to share reflections to the young people of…

22 August 2024

Camp ’14, grace touching

Camping, grace touching! Every year is a surprise! The air speaks to you about God It is a city of God. You can’t describe it, you can only e…

22 August 2024

Site offline for four days

As you could probably tell, the site was unreachable for four days in early July, due to a cyber attack that forced a reinstallation of the entire …

22 August 2024

Warning! fire in progress&#…

As every year at this time many fraternities of the Magnificat Community concentrate their efforts in one of its main charisms: evangelization (cf….

22 August 2024

“Our Father”

Growth Path 2014-2015 Starting this weekend, the whole Community begins the new 2014/2015 growth journey on the theme“The Lord’s Prayer…

22 August 2024

Pope speaks to Catholic fra…

We reproduce the address given by the Holy Father to the Catholic Fraternity (of which the Community is a part) on the occasion of the 16th Interna…

22 August 2024

Community from Pope Francis

The Magnificat Community was present at the III World Congress of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities. Anaudience with the Holy Father was held…

22 August 2024

Charismatic editions in Rom…

Perhaps not everyone in the Community knows that for the past few years the Fraternity of Bucharest has opened a publishing house, through which ou…

22 August 2024

The new community secretariat

This short video to present how we are improving our organization!

22 August 2024

With Jesus!

On Sunday, October 2, 2016, the Perugia area of the Community met in Marsciano where Carlo Cerati and Daniela Saetta introduced the first stage of …

22 August 2024

A new Community CD

On the occasion of the Magnificat Community’s 40th birthday (1979-2019), we released a CD of songs entitled “THE DREAM OF GOD.” T…

22 August 2024

Starcup Project 2010

Interview with Mauro Mariani, coach of the Charismines Le Carismine, the Magnificat Community women’s 5-a-side soccer team, took second place…

22 August 2024

Camp 19: spiritual program

From July 27 – August 23, 2019 in Paestum at the “Camping Village Paestum” Spiritual program During Camp 2019 there will be some …

22 August 2024

General Council

On Saturday, June 19 and Sunday, June 20, 2010, at the San Manno Community Center in Perugia, the Magnificat Community General Council met for the …

22 August 2024

“I love you very much…

General Community Leaders met with the Archbishop of Perugia – Città della Pieve, Monsignor Gualtiero Bassetti. On Monday, July 12, 2010, the…

22 August 2024

Naples: new prayer meeting

On May 25, 2011 at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Vomero,the first charismatic community prayer meeting of the Magnificat Community in the city of…

22 August 2024

III national conference in …

Magnificat Community Fraternities and groups from Romania gathered for the Third National Convention, as they do every year on the Solemnity of Pen…

22 August 2024

The step-by-step walk in Co…

Here are the contents of a training seminar, held in Foligno in 2006, in which the structure of the stages of the community journey was deepened. D…

22 August 2024

Community Camping 2010

The Magnificat Community Camp was held again this year from July 25 to August 20 in Casalabate in the province of Lecce at the TORRE RINALDA Campin…

22 August 2024

Best wishes from Cardinal R…


22 August 2024

I Community Day Tuscany area

On May 17, 2015, thefirst fraternity day of the Tuscany Zone of the Magnificat Community was held in Vogognano (Arezzo). Members from the fraternit…

22 August 2024

“Let the children com…

Here are the videos of the catecheses of the Allies Retreat of the Fraternities of Bibbiena, Cortona, Genoa, Magione and Marti, held between March …

22 August 2024

“The Price of Reconci…

Fr. Livio Tacchini’s catechesis live streamed, from the “III World Retreat of RCC Priests and Religious “* The 3rd World Retreat …

22 August 2024

Path of unity

For those familiar with the history of the Community, the news is significant: during 2015, “official” contacts between the Community a…

22 August 2024

III world retreat for priests

Thanks to the kind collaboration with the Streaming Platform, you can follow here the live broadcast of Pope Francis ‘ participati…

22 August 2024

We tell you about the 2015 …

Photo gallery from the 2015 Community Camp:

22 August 2024

a Father with a Mother̵…

The 2015-2016 walk booklet The 2015-2016 stage calendar “Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy. It has become alive, visiblean…

22 August 2024

16th Conference: ‘Thi…

The Annual Convention is now upon us. This year we will have as our speaker Fr. Amedeo Cencini, a Canossian, psychologist and psychotherapist who i…

22 August 2024

Tarcisio ascended to heaven

This morning, March 17, 2016, Tarcisio Mezzetti left this world. The first reading from today’s liturgy makes us think of him: “As for …

22 August 2024

General managers elected

On the Fifth Sunday of Lent in the Holy Year of Mercy, the Magnificat Community Chapter elected the new General Managers who will serve for the thr…

22 August 2024

From Ascension to Pentecost

From Ascension to Pentecost.With Mary in the Upper Room waiting for the Spirit. Also this year we renew the commitment in each fraternity to await …

22 August 2024

We will all be yours O Christ!

A truly heavenly moment for all who were able to attend Tarcisio’s funeral. You can review some moments of the celebration on the Magnificat …

22 August 2024

Summer camp 2016

And finally … here we are talking about summer camp 2016, the community and charismatic life experience that the Magnificat Community has bee…

22 August 2024

Together at the door of mercy

The Jubilee of the Magnificat Community and the Magnificat Dominum Community. Next September 3 we will celebrate, the two communities Magnificat an…

22 August 2024

“With Jesus” wa…

This is: The 2016-2017 Way Booklet This is The 2016-2017 Calendar of Stages The next three years of our journey will see us reflecting on the proph…

22 August 2024

General Convention 2017

Below are the mp3 files of everything that was said during the 2017 Convention. Happy listening! 01 – Homily of the Initial Mass: Father Vict…

22 August 2024

Loving the Bible

On Sunday, February 12, 2017, all disciples from the Perugia area gathered in the chapel of the Regional Seminary in Assisi to experience a deepeni…

22 August 2024

The Fraternity of Magione w…

It is the fraternity of Magione that won the first edition of MagnifiCUP in the Tuscany area, winning 6 to 3 against the fraternity of Marti Under …

22 August 2024

Listen to yourself

Audio from the meeting sponsored by the Perugia area – aimed at friends and allies of the Magnificat Community – to foster human and sp…

22 August 2024

Community Day Tuscany Zone

You have made known to me Your ways, You will fill me with Joy by Your presence Acts 2:28 On Sunday, May 21, 2017, the fraternity day of the Tuscan…

22 August 2024

Surprise at the campsite

BIG SURPRISE AT THE CAMPSITE! This year at the campsite we were greeted with a huge surprise! A loggerhead sea turtle Caretta Caretta shortly befor…

22 August 2024

About Jesus

Here is this year’s walk booklet: Walk 2017-2018

22 August 2024

18th General Convention

Blessings and grace again this year at the 18th General Convention of the Magnificat Community. Below you will find all the talks from the retreat …

22 August 2024

19th General Convention

The 19th General Convention celebrated the 40th birthday of the Magnificat Community, founded in 1978. The convention was held in Sacrofano from Fr…

22 August 2024

General Managers Elected

The General Assembly of the Magnificat Community, composed of the Elders and Moderators of its component Fraternities and Zones, on Sunday, Februar…

22 August 2024

Camp 2019

Camp Magnificat Community 2019 July 27-August 23, 2019 Paestum at the Camping Village Paestum**** Dear brothers, Presenting our Community’s c…

22 August 2024

Joshua and Jordan priests o…

Magnificat Community celebrates with the whole Church in Perugia the priestly ordination of Joshua and Jordan Two young men with sunny smiles and o…

22 August 2024

Beatitudes, mirror of the d…

Here is the 2009/2010 Walk booklet in PDF format:

22 August 2024

Way 2010-2011

Here is the Community Growth Path booklet for 2010-11:

22 August 2024

II National Conference in R…

On May 15-16, 2010, the Fraternities and Prayer Groups of the Magnificat Community of Romania celebrated their 2nd National Convention. By now the …

22 August 2024

New general managers elected

New Magnificat Community General Managers were elected on Sunday, March 21, 2010. Here they are in the order of election: Joseph Piegai Paul Bartoc…

A Community Born of Prophecy

“With Jesus, on Jesus, build.”

The Magnificat Community is a Covenant Community, which has the one Lord Christ Jesus at its center: all community life is developed with Jesus and about Jesus.

Those who have met him and experienced him are burning with the desire to know him more and more and want to model their lives on his teachings, becoming witnesses before the world of his love…


Who we are

This section contains the main features that distinguish the reality of the Magnificat Community.

Starting from the community history, the spirituality, structure and ecclesiastical approvals of the Community will be found.

Operation Little Brother


Operation Little Brother is a set of projects and charitable works of the Magnificat Community.

They aim to make the Gospel of Jesus a reality, giving dignity and hope to children living in countries around the world where the daily needs for water, sanitation, food, education, and health are circumstances that are by no means taken for granted, but rather the result of hard-won.


What we do

In this section we present the activities that the Community routinely experiences.

The Community operates both internally and externally directed activities for the care of its members and – of course – for evangelization.

Magnificat E.T.S. Foundation.


The Magnificat E.T.S. Foundation is a set of charitable projects and works initiated by the Magnificat Community.

The incredible response of solidarity from so many benefactors made it necessary to create a “nonprofit” entity to give legal correctness and transparency to what was becoming a large project operating in various countries around the world.
Today, Missionaries and Workers of the Magnificat Community, with the institutional help of the Magnificat Foundation, personally care for and accompany each project from its inception to its completion.

Un amore grande così Un amore grande così ACQUISTA ORA