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3 Unpublished books by Tarcisio!

a fruitful and effective pen

From the writings of Tarcisio still so much “news”

The Magnificat Community has received so much from this extraordinary brother and father! Through Magnificat Editions, the “voice” of Tarcisio, continues to spread.

Three unpublished books: “A love this big” – A few pages, centered, each, on God’s love. A few pages to testify to his happiness at having experienced, as a sinner, the love of Jesus crucified that makes one cry out, “I am a saved man!” The open arms of Jesus on the cross,” Tarcisio writes passionately and effectively, “continually say to man, “I love you so much like this! “To proclaim to the poor a glad message” – In 2006, Tarcisio felt he had to write down the essence of the Magnificat Community’s call, felt since 1979, when he received the first simple Bylaws. In five quote-dense chapters, Tarcisius outlines the definition of the Community, the life of allies, the Covenant and the Four Promises. Welcoming and caring for the poor, the author finally writes, is the purpose to which the Lord sends the Magnificat Community to proclaim a glad Message to them. “Dreaming the dream of God” – “Are you brother listening to me still dreaming? What about you sister? Or has your dream already died out? Have you kept the torch of your dream burning or have you let it languish in the barrenness of the “law,” or in the swamp of unbelief and now it has gone out? If you need my example, I tell you I am still dreaming, thank God, at my venerable age, and I will want to continue to do so.”   And, a reissue: “Toward a New Monasticism” – God raised up the Renewal and Covenant Communities to bring monasticism back into the world.
Of this Tarcisio was convinced.
Men and women invested by God’s love, while remaining in the world, flee it to no longer belong to him.
People in love with God, called to live together discover themselves capable of love-filled relationships.
Nourished by the Word of God they seek in it light and guidance.

Dialoghi fraterni Dialoghi fraterni ACQUISTA ORA