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Courage and get to work!

From left: Michele Rossetti, Maria Rita Castellani and Angelo Spicuglia, during the moment of prayer over them at the end of the Eucharistic Celebration. Only Andrea Orsini was present at the Assembly by connection, as he was ill, and Alessandra Maria Pauluzzi, who was not notified of the election until a couple of hours later, was not present…

The 10th General Assembly of the Magnificat Community, which met at the Tabor House of Prayer in Agello (PG) on Feb. 12 and 13, 2022, elected new general managers who will serve for the next three years.

Elders and moderators of all fraternities, present almost in their entirety, elected, in order:

Maria Rita Castellani, Andrea Orsini, Alessandra Maria Pauluzzi, Michele Rossetti, and Angelo Spicuglia.

Among them, Maria Rita Castellani was elected as the new Moderator General .

For the first time in community history, a woman will be the “spokesperson” of the Community.

For the first time, moreover, a person who was not a member of the elder body was elected.

For the first time a person from the Sicily Zone joins this body.

The Assembly then proceeded to elect the seven members of the Board of Consultors, in the persons of the following Community Elders: Giuseppe Piegai, Stefano Ragnacci, Daniele Mezzetti, Vincenzo Genovese, Oreste Pesare, Paolo Bartoccini, and Massimo Roscini.

For the service of these brothers and sisters who will have to work for the good of the whole Community over the next three years, we ask for God’s broadest blessing, through the intercession of His Holy Mother, Mary Most Holy, the Virgin of the Magnificat!

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