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Election in sight

This coming Saturday, Feb. 12 and Sunday, Feb. 13, the Moderator General of the Community, Stefano Ragnacci, convened the General Assembly to proceed with the election of the governing bodies for the next three years.

A meeting of all members of the Assembly will be held at the Tabor House of Prayer in Agello: the elders of the Community and the moderators of all the Fraternities that comprise it, 73 people in all.

The meeting will be held both in-person and by connection-via Zoom-so that even distant brethren can participate.

At the end of a three-year term, they will be re-elected, in order:

  • the six members of the Board of Directors of Magnificat Foundation O.N.L.U.S.;
  • the five new general managers;
  • the General Moderator (from among the newly elected General Managers );
  • the seven members of the College of Consultants (from among the elders of the community).

On this occasion, for the first time, Assembly members called to do so will also be able to vote for non-elderly community allies for the ministry of responsible person at the general level.

In fact, all those who have served for at least six years as Fraternity leader were invited to give their availability for possible election and thus, the list of candidates, turned out to consist of significantly more than in previous elections with about 50 names from all parts of the Community!

May the Holy Spirit guide the members of the Assembly to discern according to God’s will to identify precisely those brothers and sisters whom the Lord is calling to take on these important positions of responsibility!

Sunday, February 13, in the evening, in these news, we will give news of the names of those elected.

Before concluding.
With this election, Stefano Ragnacci ‘s service as Moderator General of the Community comes to an end and, according to the norm contained in the Decree of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life issued in June of last year, he will no longer be able to cover this position, having already lived it for three terms.
The Community – in this brother – has received the service of a humble, wise, serene Moderator General , capable of transmitting with passion and balance the good deposit of history and community spirituality, lived in first person since the first years of its history.
All the brothers and sisters of the Community are grateful to him and invoke every blessing on him and his family!

L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici ACQUISTA ORA