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Gold that fills the wounds

It is beginning to become a beautiful reality that has been emerging for about a year now, with a series of experiences offered to 14- to 19-year-olds.

After last summer’s Route of the Spirit and the Youth Convention lived in parallel with the General Convention in Chianciano, here is the summer experience, which was held in Puglia, alongside the community camp in Peschici.

From an initial number of 30 registrants, as the days between Aug. 10 and Aug. 17 passed, the number of participants in the planned spiritual activities grew to close to 80 boys and girls.

The team of animators, through catechesis, experiential moments, moments of walking up and down the Gargano and prayer, followed a path that, starting from a “broken vase,” led to reflection on God’s will to “put the pieces back together” of each of his children, until they became a “new creature.”

The Eucharistic adoration experienced late in the evening, on the beach at Vieste, with the reconstructed vase glowing with gold in the joints of the “new creation” was the seal of a journey that made all participants grow in trust in God, in his infinite mercy, who continues to call us to himself, from whatever condition we find ourselves in, because he loves us as a Father, ready to generate us always to new life.

A video recounts the boys’ camp
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