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Let your heart guide you!

Jesus, in one of his last public teachings, pointed out a precise way to adjust about the final judgment to which each of us will be subjected: “When I was hungry, did you give me food? When I was thirsty, did you give me drink? When I was naked, did you accommodate me? When I was a stranger, did you take me in? When I was sick or in prison, did you come to visit me?” (cf. Matthew 25:31-46).

In recent years, the world has very often been a spectator to the succession of various tragedies. Operation Little Brother of the Magnificat E.T.S. Foundation, did not stand by and watch, it wanted to be involved and present, soliciting contributions from donors, both internal and external to the Community and making sure that that contribution reached those in need.

These days we all have in our eyes and hearts the images of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We don’t want to back down this time either.

The solicitation is therefore addressed to the whole Magnificat Community, so that we can help our earthquake-stricken brothers and sisters.

Let us be guided by our hearts and give so that we can restore hope to many!

You can donate via PayPal

By going to the donations page of our website

or by Bank Transfer a:

IBAN: IT03W0200803039000103253594 BIC Swift: UNCRITM1J07

specifying as the reason:


Come carbone ardente del Serafino Come carbone ardente del Serafino ACQUISTA ORA