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New fraternities are blossoming!

The Statute entrusts the General Managers with the task of recognizing the transition of a Mission to Fraternity in formation and of a Fraternity in formation to Fraternity.

In recent months, after various discernments lived in communion with the local realities, the General Responsibles have proceeded to some “passages of state” for various realities that, despite the pandemic and all the difficulties it has entailed in fraternal life, have nevertheless shown signs of growth and maturation.

Two new fraternities in formation
The current draft of the Statutes being considered by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, when it speaks of the Fraternity in Formation expresses itself as follows: “The General Leaders may precede the final establishment of a new Fraternity by a transitional period of three years, renewable for an additional three years, during which the Fraternity is defined as ‘in formation.’ To establish a Fraternity in formation, there must be the weekly community prayer meeting and the presence of Covenant Candidates. The General Managers entrust the care of the Fraternity in formation to at least two Covenants Candidates, referred to as “Referents.””
Based on these definitions and procedures, two missions of the Sicily Zone were recognized as Fraternities in Formation: Augusta and Palermo.
Augusta was assigned-as contact persons-to Domenica Bonaccorso and Stefania Di Noto, while Palermo was assigned to Maria Stancampiano and Salvatore Filippone.

Three new Fraternities
Regarding the recognition of new Fraternities, after evaluating the consolidation of fraternal life and growth in community identity, the General Managers declared the following to be Fraternities for all intents and purposes: Apiro and Pila, of the Perugia Zone, Floridia, of the Sicily Zone.

Let us thank the Lord who allows the Magnificat Community to grow in His love and fuller adherence to the vocation received!

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