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The first 12 allies in Argentina!

“God’s Dream” continues in Latin America with its first 12 Argentine allies

On Sunday, February 4, in the presence of his Excellency Diocesan Bishop Monsignor Juan Alberto Puiggari, the first covenant was celebrated in the city of Parana, Argentina, at the parish church Merciful Jesus.

12 new brothers and sisters emotionally and solemnly pronounced their covenant commitment. Here are their names:
Alejandra Maricel Roldán, César Exequiel Zurdo, Griselda María Omar Rostom, Iván Rodolfo Peralta, Lorena Maricel Klug, Maria de Los Milagros Isaurralde, Mariela Silvina Zalazar, Nanci Odetti, Nicolás Borghello, Orlando José Maria Ferreira Veiga, Roberto Carlos Andrés Richard, Silvio Adrián Puente

It was a truly memorable day filled with emotion, bathed in the water of Grace and many tears of joy.

The covenant celebration was also attended by some 20 brothers and sisters from the city of Rosario, where, in turn, a small community reality is being born, which already sees within itself the presence of two discipleships.

At the end of the celebration, the Moderator General of the Magnificat Community, Maria Rita Castellani, handed the new Community Statute to the Bishop and priests of the Diocese of Parana and Rosario, thanking them for the welcome received and promising to continue the fruitful collaboration in the service of the poorest.

In fact, for the past few years, in Rosario, the Magnificat Foundation through its “Operation Little Brother” project has been caring for about sixty children by ensuring that they have the necessities they need to live amidst many difficulties.

Soon the two community realities of Paraná and Rosario will have their first camping experience – along the lines of what they have experienced in Italy since the early years – at Lago Mar Chiquita in the province of Cordoba.

In Parana, the Magnificat Community animates its charismatic community prayer meeting at the parish of Santa Maria del la Piedad, goni Fridays at 8:30 p.m., while in Rosario one can attend the prayer meeting at the parish of the Good Shepherd, Fridays at 8:30 p.m.

Let us thank the Lord Jesus for giving us the gift of brothers and sisters so far away and so precious to His and our hearts, and confidently let us continue to walk so that the Gospel may reach every man and woman to the ends of the earth!

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