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With Jesus!

Here is issue 141 (I&II) of the magazine that Magnificat Community has been publishing since 1982.

In this edition there are:
articles and testimonies on the journey of growth on the figure of Abraham;
– the story of the approval of the Community and its Statute by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life;
– testimonies fromArgentina,Italy andUganda.

There is also a valuable insert on community Eucharistic life, with stories and testimonies from Agnese Mezzetti Bettelli and Wanda Rossi and beyond-a way to return to the sources of community life in the Magnificat.

Happy reading!

Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni ACQUISTA ORA