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As for me, behold,
my covenant is with you:
thou shalt become a father
Of a multitude of nations

Genesis 17:4

Although not the “founder” of the Magnificat Community in the strict sense of the word, Tarcisio Mezzetti was for a long time – especially in the first part of the community’s history, being the protagonist of various founding moments – its best known and most active member both for the roles he held in the Community and in the Renewal in the Spirit, and – above all – for his tireless activity as an evangelizer, a promoter of community life and in particular, for the experience of the healing seminars he personally led in various places in Italy, attended by a large number of people for many years.

To him the Lord entrusted the prophecies that gave rise to the community vocation, from “With Jesus, on Jesus, build!” to the “Four Promises“.

A portrait of him can be found in these pages:


And here is Tarcisio telling something about his life:

«Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» «Ma lei vuol proprio dire che Gesù è vivo?» ACQUISTA ORA