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They were persevering in the apostles’ teaching and in fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers.
A sense of awe was in everyone,
and wonders and signs were taking place through the work of the apostles.
All the believers stood together and had everything in common; they sold their property and substances And they shared them with everyone, according to each person’s need.
Every day they were persevering together in the temple And, breaking bread in the houses, they took food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
Meanwhile, the Lord every day was adding to the community Those who were saved

Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47

The basis of the whole community building lies in two words, “…stood together…,” as the Acts of the Apostles recounts. The first Christian community described there is the model to which the Magnificat Community looks to form itself, indulging the action of the Holy Spirit working in the heart of each person and in the whole body.

This practical fraternity, interwoven with common prayer, sharing life and spiritual journey, and working for the Kingdom of God, is the model for the Fraternities that make up the Community.

Covenants make themselves custodians of each other, living in mutual submission. And the covenant guards the life of the Community body.

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