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Seek the Lord and his power,
always seek his face

Psalms 105[104], 4

When Tarcisio received the prophecy “With Jesus, on Jesus, build!“, the whole context was evidently Eucharistic: the church, the white marble altar, the chalice of wine and the host…

Therefore,Eucharistic adoration is the continuous source from which the Community quenches its thirst: from it it draws strength for evangelization, for every ministerial action, for spiritual accompaniment.

Eucharistic adoration-lived weekly by each ally-helps each brother and sister enter into an ever more intimate and deeper relationship with the Lord, choosing the “better part(Luke 10:42), standing at the Master’s feet to listen to him, filling one’s eyes with the image of his face, and then descending from the mountain, certain to carry something of the splendor contemplated on one’s face.

During the 2005 General Convention, the Community was taught that, a vessel that is not filled with water, when someone approaches it to quench his thirst, could only offer himself, to those who come thirsty… To give something anyway it will try to offer pieces of itself instead of water: sharp shards that produce wounds and death instead of life.

Therefore, the Community is aware that only by staying with Jesus, leaning on his grace alone, will it be able to offer the “living water” (John 4:10; 7:38) to all those it encounters.

There are two historic places where Eucharistic adoration is permanently experienced by the Community in Perugia: San Manno and Our Lady of Light.

Façade of the church of San Manno
Our Lady of Light Church
seen from outside the front door

Come carbone ardente del Serafino Come carbone ardente del Serafino ACQUISTA ORA