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Persevere in your commitment
And dedicate yourself to it,
grow old by accomplishing your work

Sirach 11:20

In the years when the Community has seen important development both in Italy and in other nations, it has been essential to provide it with some structures at the general level.

The first – in order of time – to be formalized was the Treasury, with the introduction of a figure, the General Treasurer, in the person of Giorgio Brustenga, who-because of his competence and dedication-has continued for many years to ensure proper management of the entire community administrative aspect.

It was, almost at the same time, formed a Secretariat which serves for all communication needs, archive management, as well as the organization of community events.

The final piece of this organization was the hiring of an General executive director, in the person of Pier Giovanni Duranti, who-in close collaboration with the general managers-provides for the embodiment of all that is necessary for the administrative, fiscal, managerial, and organizational management of the now very complex reality of the Magnificat Community.

The operational headquarters where the Director, Treasurer and Secretariat hold their offices is the San Manno complex in the center of the Community, right next to the little church where, night and day, they worship Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist.

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