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They will eat of it, and it will be left over

Here is the new September bulletin, in which there is, as is often the case, a sharing of what the Lord says to the C...

Let’s start walking

In the October Bulletin there are: The presentation of the Way by the General Managers; The journey in stages and the...

Presentation of the Way

Here is the video and audio of the 2022-2023 Growth Path Presentation, as well as those of the tools for living it we...

Fraternity leaders: a mission

Between November 5 and 6, 2022, a training for Fraternity Leaders took place in Chianciano terme (SI). Luigi Montesi,...

Choosing to love God and the brethren

Here is the November Bulletin, which contains:

Pakistan Flood Emergency – 2022

The Magnificat Foundation, through Operation Little Brother, has mobilized-in its own small way-with an extraordinary...

All retreats at Casa Tabor

Casa Tabor, for the year 2023, offers the following spiritual retreat initiatives to those who would like to take adv...

Ready for battle

Here is the December Bulletin; it contains:

Let your heart guide you!

Jesus, in one of his last public teachings, pointed out a precise way to adjust about the final judgment to which eac...

A full house!

In this pyrst Bulletin of 2023, there was little space for the amount of things succinctly reported in it and those t...

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