From the earliest years of its history, the Magnificat Community had a strong desire to share what it was receiving in its spiritual experience with as many people as possible.
Thus in 1982 began the publication of the historic magazine Come and See, which, for several years was a true point of reference for Catholic Charismatic Communities in Italy.
More recently, a small Information Bulletin, edited by the General Managers, published in five languages, with the Italian title With Jesus, about Jesus, build! which is distributed widely in the Community in electronic format, to share first of all what they receive in prayer from the Lord and to give essential information of community life.
Then, since February 2023, the limited liability company “Magnificat Editions“, which publishes-both in print and electronic format-books and notebooks containing short and extended texts on topics pertaining to community, charismatic and Catholic Christian spirituality in general.
Alongside the written production, the Community then published many of the Songs which, in prayer, the Lord raised up by making use of some brothers and sisters. These songs, mostly based on Scripture passages, were then published in some collections to be a greater dissemination.