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10th General Convention

Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice The 10th General Convention of the Magnificat Community was held in Montesilvano January 3-6, 2010. Teachings on the theme“Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice” were given by Father Walter Arrigoni. Present at the […]

9th General Convention

Behold the dwelling place of God among men The General Convention is always an important time, but this 9th Convention was special for several reasons. First of all because we shared the joy of celebrating thirty years since the birth of the Community, which was born on December 8, 1978, and we were the “Convention […]

“You will show me the path of life.”

2011-2012 beginning of the year retreat in Perugia We met for the beginning of the journey retreat at the Fonte Angelica Hotel, a beautiful place full of greenery and water, in Nocera Umbra. It is the former seminary, now run by a cooperative. A Saturday and Sunday where we prepared for the new journey, officially […]

12th General Convention

Montesilvano January 5-8, 2012 These are all the audios from the just-concluded General Convention, some texts and a Power Point presentation, for the further study of those who wish to make use of them.

Don’t neglect to thank him

Here is the catechesis given in the Perugia area by Alessandra Mercati on December 8, 2011, the Feast of the Community.

Dec. 8, Tarcisio’s catechesis

On this special day for the Magnificat Community, a special talk by our brother Tarcisio Mezzetti, during the community day of the Perugia Zone. Happy listening!

Leaders in the Fraternity

Do you want to be responsible in the community? Ama… This could be the summary of the three days of formation that, a hundred or so brothers and sisters of the Community engaged in various capacities in the ministries of the Fraternities that compose it, received in the retreat of led by the General Managers. […]

Retreat on Discipleship

Two days to learn how to better serve disciples “The Beloved Disciple.” General framework Contents Structure Accompaniment Animator and team A training retreat regarding discipleship was held at Mother Hope’s house with the participation of about 120 discipleship animators and leaders of many fraternities. Opening with the Eucharist celebrated Saturday morning at Mother Hope’s tomb, […]

8th General Retreat

My soul magnifies the Lord Introduction to the General Managers’ Conference In this time blessed by the Lord He strongly invites us to reflect on what it means to call ourselves Magnificat Community. And just as we have contemplated Mary in these years as a model to be imitated, so now we want to listen […]

The step-by-step walk in Community

Here are the contents of a training seminar, held in Foligno in 2006, in which the structure of the stages of the community journey was deepened. Download audio files:

Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni Dall'immagine alla somiglianza. La coppia tra teologia, diritto ed emozioni ACQUISTA ORA