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The Magnificat Community’s small information bulletin, significantly titled “With Jesus, about Jesus, build!” came into being in the spring of 2019, at the initiative of the general leaders at that time, with the purpose of giving, on a monthly basis, a small account of what they receive in prayer to be communicated to the entire body of the Community, as well as to provide any general news that might be useful.

Since the beginning of its publication, it has been translated into several languages (today there are five: English, Italian, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish) and disseminated through the pdf format, in a widespread way, through the various chats with which in each Fraternity the leaders keep in touch with their brothers and sisters.

The following are all the issues published so far in Italian from the last edited to the first one published with the possibility of downloading them in pdf format.


Number 65 – September

  • Living Presence“, an event to raise awareness of the Community, in Perugia
  • Party in Istanbul, beyond terrorism
  • Report from the mission in Rosario, Argentina
  • Discipleship animator training.
  • Pastor’s gift to kids: a Vita Nuova seminar
  • Tale of Camping in Apulia
  • Tale of Camping in Tuscany


Number 64 – August

  • A letter from the General Managers for the upcoming work on the General Assembly
  • The testimony of the Ministry of intercession of St. Barnabas
  • The story of the Route of the Spirit
  • The news of an ally entering the convent.
  • Salute to Gian Pietro Viola
  • The report of the Retreat on Evangelization at Tabor House
  • Reasons to buy and use an e-Reader


Number 63 – July

  • A prophecy to ponder
  • The tale of the last College of Elders
  • The chronicle of the Community Day of the Sicily Zone.
  • The detailed account of the summer mission to Uganda
  • Our Community’s Participation in RCC’s Golden Jubilee in Uganda.
  • 4 Books of Tarcisio to know and meditate on


Number 62 – June

  • A prophecy from the General Assembly
  • Sad news from Haiti
  • The meeting of the Moderators of the International Associations of Lay Faithful with the Pope
  • Cardinal Farrell’s words to the Moderators.
  • The “Route of the Spirit” to La Verna is underway
  • Retreat and new life for Istanbul fraternity
  • New Life Seminar in Genoa
  • A book on the Stigmata of St. Francis


Number 61 – May

  • “Magnificat Community: come back child!” – The Lord is in a hurry to use us
  • Persecution continues… – Pakistan, Christians under attack
  • The new leadership of the Community – The composition of the general assembly
  • Prepare your heart for evangelization! – The 16th national conference in Romania
  • Meeting with the bishop and evangelization – News from Argentina
  • Parish priests renewed in the Spirit – Bucharest diocese initiative
  • “Don’t say: I’m young” – Young people at conference in Sinalunga.
  • Full joy! – Retreat for very young people: 14 – 18 years old


Number 60 – April

  • “‘Good soil’ is not born, it becomes” – Working on one’s conversion
  • Fifty thousand displaced in the north of the country-Ethiopia, where the Community has a mission
  • Making charity and solidarity possible – The first 10 years of the Magnificat Community Foundation
  • Don’t look at him, look at me!
    – A miracle is told here
  • Intimacy with Jesus and… baptism in the Spirit – New Life Seminar for young people
  • “They were together and had everything in common” – The News of the Month
  • Let’s Help Operation Little Brother – Practical Instructions
  • The covenant, a challenge proposed by God – A profound and simple text


Number 59 – March

  • Gold coins to share, for love – A treasure to offer for love
  • A new road ahead – New charter shapes the community
  • “Be humble and simple as children” – Community Elders on retreat in Chianciano
  • The charitable works of the Community- The founding of the Magnificat Community.
  • Called to build the “second plan” – April 26-28: a special retreat
  • Baptized in the Spirit – Retreat for animators of Murialdo schools
  • Community vacation in Italy -A proposal for summer 2024
  • But deliver us from the evil one – A new, indispensable book by Luigi Montesi


Number 58 – February

  • Opening the way for a flood of people – walking under the gaze of Mary
  • First Alliance in Paraná, Argentina – the first allies in the Americas
  • A long matured project of God – The history of the fraternity of Paraná
  • A new community reality in Rosario – Just born and already missionaries
  • Guns fire, but then jam – A day of darkness and light in Istanbul
  • To proclaim a glad message to the poor – A new book by Tarcisio
  • Vocation to unity – Moderator general speaks to couples
  • Not all roads lead to God – A valuable aid for giving answers


Number 57 – January

  • My soul magnifies the Lord!
    – The delivery of the Decree of Recognition
  • The Department recognizes and approves – The text of the Decree
  • A way to revive baptismal grace – Cardinal Farrell’s talk
  • Happy (and proud) to have been with you – Father Raniero Cantalamessa’s greeting
  • We tend the ear – Reflections on the Statute
  • Healing the wounds of life – Healing seminar
  • Theology of the Body – Youth Seminar
  • From darkness to true light – Testimony


Number 56 – December

  • Joy, weakness and praise – Three gifts against covenant demons
  • “Wanting to dedicate my life to the Lord…” – 33 new allied brothers and sisters
  • Dec. 8, 2023: photos from the Alliance celebrations.
  • 3 unpublished books by Tarcisio Mezzetti and a reissue


Number 55 – November

  • “Lord increase our faith” – A prayer and an answer
  • Called, transformed and sent – The R.C.C.’s meeting in Rome with the Pope
  • Homosexuality and gender dysphoria – An important educational moment
  • “A Complete Gift” – a free residential seminar.


Number 54 – October

  • Fly, jump, burn!
    – O saints, or nothing
  • Taken by the hand of Abraham – The journey 2023-2024 has begun
  • Instructions for Use – Evangelizing with Outpouring Seminars
  • “Thank you Lord for the mission in Uganda” – Testimony that… giving is received
  • “It changed my life” – World Youth Day.


Number 53 – September

  • “Lord increase our faith” – A prayer and an answer
  • Called, transformed and sent – The R.C.C.’s meeting in Rome with the Pope
  • Homosexuality and gender dysphoria – An important educational moment
  • Going to the roots – 1st meeting between Italian and Romanian consecrated persons
  • Sea and mountains – community vacations in Italy
  • Not all roads lead to God – a most useful book


Number 52 – August

  • “Lord increase our faith” – A prayer and an answer
  • The Fraternity of Marti and its pastor – First meeting with the new bishop
  • Speaking to young people about the Theology of the Body – A beautiful initiative in Râmnicu-Vâlcea
  • Operation Little Brother – PROJECTS 2023 move forward.
  • Magnificat Editions – Many books coming soon


Number 52.BIS – August

Special bulletin on the situation in Faisalabad after the anti-Christian attacks on August 16, 2023

  • A cry for help goes up from Pakistan from our persecuted brothers and sisters
  • “Let us not remain deaf to the cry for help” – General leaders urge us
  • “When will these acts of persecution and violence end?” – Interview with a young man from Faisalabad
  • Pakistan – A Young Islamic Nation


Number 51 – July

  • “When I am weak that is when I am strong” – We believe in the power of God.
  • Keeping the universal mission alive – Movement moderators at conference
  • Renewing oneself to proclaim the kerygma – Card.
    Farrell to the moderators
  • Blow wind, blow!
    – The College of Elders met.
  • Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord!
    – Sicily Zone Retreat
  • When the Holy Spirit “touches” it goes boom!
    – A “powerful” seminar for young people


Number 50 – June

  • How do we look for the things up there?
    – We are helped by the desert fathers
  • “No problem!”
    – Great news from Rome
  • “Twenty years Magnificat in Romania – Celebration at the national convention.
  • It can be done!
    – An outpouring seminar for boys


Number 49 – May

  • Dragon or lamb – This is the challenge: Who do you want to be?
  • Scott Hahn’s conversion testimony
  • “A thorough and fruitful work” – Linda Ghisoni’s greeting.


Number 48 – April

  • The fire of love – Like Jesus, willing to give blood
  • Accompaniment, music, youth – Three new general ministries
  • Magnificat Community Editions – A New Community Tool.
  • “Let your light shine before men” – Updated program of the XXI General Convention


Number 47 – March

  • “Rejoice and exult!” – Let us put out to sea and cast our nets
  • “Let your light shine before men” – Call for reservations
  • The xiv General Assembly at work – The Statute, the Budget and… Charity
  • Before the wedding?
    The outpouring!
    – An opportunity to be taken advantage of
  • Let us be guided by our heart!
    – Earthquake emergency 2023 Turkey and Syria
  • Experiences of fraternal life – Invitation from the Ministry of Koinonia
  • “Let your light shine before men” – Program of the XXI General Convention


Number 46 – February

  • “Everything was common among them” – Truly loving each other
  • Let your heart guide you!
    – Earthquake emergency 2023 Turkey and Syria
  • A close confrontation – Minutes of the 13th General Assembly
  • Reflecting on the mystery of the incarnation – A two-day retreat in Pakistan
  • Spiritual accompaniment – Some of us “went to college”


Number 45 – January

  • God works “new things” – With God there is always a surprise
  • A new opportunity for communion – The Magnificat Dominum conference.
  • For no less than full joy!
    – The winter youth camp in Italy
  • Blow, the Holy Spirit, in London – A seminar for the Romanian community
  • Magnificat Community grows – A prayer meeting is (re)born.
  • Youth New Year – A joyful experience in Agello


Number 44 – December

  • “Strengthen yourselves in the Lord” – Ready for battle.
  • “Not all wanderers are lost” – Winter youth camp
  • December 8, Two Thousand Twenty-Two!
    – Community and Covenant Feast
  • Fifty-three new allies and allies – All Names, Fraternity by Fraternity
  • Understanding each other more in order to love each other faithfully – Seminar for couples in Romania


Number 43 – November

  • He who loses his life for me will find it” – Choosing to love God and the brethren
  • What are Fraternity Leaders for?
    – Two days of training in Chianciano
  • Building healthy communities – A testimony from the CHARIS conference
  • A Romanian community in London – Perspectives opening up
  • Luigi Falaschi: a good man – From the Fraternity of Marti to Heaven.


Number 42 – October

  • What the Spirit is saying to the Churches” – The Community Path 2022-23
  • Step by Step Walk and Spirit Fridays – Allies and Friends: be inspired!
  • Outline of a stage of Friends and Allies walk consisting of 8 weeks
  • I was on the island called Patmos” – The icon of John’s vision.
  • Istanbul: a Growing Fraternity – Seven New Allies


Number 41 – September

  • “They ate of it and brought forth” – Always listening to theman of God
  • Statute: one step closer to the finish line – The work of the last General Assembly
  • Luciano, Ivan and Andrew – New pastors for many fraternities
  • A consolidating experience – Torremarina, the masonry campsite


Number 40 – August

  • “There is no thing more important than this” – Converting to the beautiful labor of loving
  • A “burning bush” the Camp Together – Magnificat & Magnificat Dominum
  • Gold that fills wounds – The boys’ experience at camp
  • Charity and community witness – Summer 2022: mission to Ethiopia and Uganda
  • Together in Harmony – Camp for Consecrated Persons in Romania


Number 39 – July

  • “We walk in the light of the Lord” – An invitation to full joy
  • Welcoming, caring, fellowship, gratitude – A beautiful day in fraternity
  • “I will not surrender my Glory to others!” – Solemn Profession of Sister Gloria Betel
  • Charisms and Charismatic Life – Training School in Bucharest


Number 38 – June

  • Attracted by Christ to be attractive to the world
  • Operation Little Brother Day 2022 – Five Fraternities in Action
  • “Do you want to heal?” – Training for discipleship facilitators


Number 37 – May

  • He who does the truth comes toward the light” – Ring bells!
  • “One wood” – 1st meeting between the “two Magnificat Communities”


Number 36 – April

  • Under the wings of the Spirit, before Jesus, with Mary, to love
  • “Whoever wants to be first is a servant of all” – The 94 new fraternity leaders
  • “They were together…” – Some summer community initiatives


Number 35 – March

  • Called, all together, to be reborn from Above
  • General Convention returns
  • Help now – Magnificat Foundation Initiative
  • The counselor: assists, stimulates, guarantees – Interview with Fr. Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu
  • This is the moment God has chosen for you” – A prayer for young people in Bucharest.



Number 34 – February

  • The seed germinates and grows” – The words of the outgoing moderator general
  • Courage and to work“-The invitation to new leaders.



Number 33 – January

  • … how I wish it was already on” – Jesus’ burning desire (and its premises)
  • A Friend of the Community Writes to Us – Letter from Father Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Accompanying to the experience of God – Training for spiritual companions
  • Pastors according to the heart of God – New leaders between February and March



Number 32 – December

  • Woe is me if I do not proclaim the gospel!” – The duty to obey our Lord Jesus
  • They shall be my people” – Magnificat Community and Magnificat Dominum.
  • Loving God and loving neighbor – A beautiful retreat for the Istanbul fraternity



Number 31 – November

  • They said, “Dismiss the crowd….”
    He replied, “…feed them.”
  • Community identity card – Assembly sent bylaws to the Dicastery.



Number 30 – October

  • Young people build the second floor – Stefano Ragnacci speaks at the General Assembly
  • The 2021-22 growth path
  • Widen Your Tent – Northern Italy Community Day
  • New fraternities blossom – New community realities recognized.



Number 29 – September

  • Seek the Lord and his power, always seek his face.”
  • The Holy Face – The Wonder of Manoppello
  • The new House of Common Life – A beautiful novelty in the Romania Zone
  • The “masonry” campsite – In Torremarina, community vacations
  • Camping in the middle of the sea – On the island of Elba, vacations in nature
  • Serving the Word – Two days of charismatic life



Number 28 – August

  • Lead the hearts of fathers back to sons and rebels to the wisdom of the righteous.”
  • The Spirit Route – A surprising novelty for young people
  • “Widespread” camping – A new feature in the community summer



Number 27 – July

  • Without love I would be nothing” – What the life of grace is for.
  • Step by step toward the goal – A new meeting with the Dicastery
  • A decree on governing mandates in the Associations to which we will comply
  • “A Blessing Hug” – Father Raniero really loves us!



Number 26 – June

  • The strength of the citizens of Jerusalem lies in the Lord of hosts, their God.”
  • Yes, we saw love win!” – Chronicle of the 13th National Romanian Convention
  • David’s Tent – In 200 from 5 nations for training on music and singing



Number 25 – May

  • “Go to Galilee” – A new experience of God to start again
  • “Go and make disciples…” – Missions Ministry at work
  • – A revamped site, all to be discovered
  • David’s Tent – An initiative for the whole community



Number 24 – April

  • “Jesus is risen, he is really risen!” we can announce it to everyone or… keep quiet about it
  • “Always invoke the Spirit!” the Bishop of Iași to the Fraternity of Bacău
  • “You will collect from the generous of heart,” 2021 projects to be supported with Operation Little Brother



Number 23 – March

  • “I will remove from you the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
  • “We love because God first loved us,” five years ago Tarcisio went to heaven
  • Spreading experiences of fraternal life, a camping ministry initiative
  • Community website gets a makeover, Easter surprise



Number 22 – February

  • “Do whatever he tells you,” reflection on the Covenant at the Wedding at Cana
  • “Mary, woman of the new wine,” prayer of Don Tonino Bello
  • Story of a healing, testimony of an allied sister



Number 21 – January

  • “How many loaves do you have?” feeding a crowd in this desert
  • “Don’t Say: I’m Young,” First International Youth Meeting of Magnificat Community.
  • The Covenant on other dates, photos from the Fraternities
  • Basic community mission seminar, online mission ministry training



Number 20 – December

  • The monastery with invisible walls, Covenant 2020
  • Father Raniero created cardinal!
    A most welcome response
  • The “charge of 71,” all the names of the new community allies
  • “As for me and my house: we will serve the Lord!” photos and news from Covenant celebration



Number 19 – November

  • “Take up the weapons God gives you,” let’s fight the good fight
  • Two prayers to fight
  • Pandemic time, time for hope, an initiative of Operation Little Brother.



Number 18 – October

  • “Be the light of the world!”, … we just can’t hide Jesus …
  • Restrictions “multiply” us, a problem or an opportunity?



Number 17 – September

  • “New wine in new wineskins,” we walk together toward holiness
  • Offering space for the freedom of the Spirit, a fortnightly journey in four stages
  • The Bylaws and the Rule of Life, the second draft of the bylaws submitted to the Dicastery
  • Foreword



Number 16 – August

  • We want to imitate our mother, like Mary we give Jesus to the world.
  • A roof over your head, waiting for concrete help
  • In search of new wineskins for new wine, an extraordinary general meeting in September



Number 15 – July

  • He formed the Magnificat Community to be with him and to send her to preach
  • The Lord speaks to us and guides us, the weekly community prayer meeting
  • “Build,” similarities between Franciscan and community vocation
  • New life seminar for teens, collaboration between parish and fraternity



Number 14 – June

  • “Be joyful, strive for perfection, give each other courage.”
  • Operation Little Brothers new website is online



Number 13 – May

  • “Your elders will have dreams, your youth will have visions.”
  • Parana, Argentina: A seminar of new life online
  • Magnificat Community’s manna in Uganda



Number 12 – April

  • “We need to put more effort into the things we have heard.”
  • A video “bulletin”
  • A new YouTube channel: Magnificat Community – Official
  • Community songs, vehicle of evangelization



Number 11 – March

  • “Wisdom knows all things and understands all things: she will guide me with prudence in my actions and protect me with her glory.”
  • Forgiveness heals the heart Healing seminar in Popești-Leordeni
  • Putignano: an outpouring in extremis!



Number 10 – February

  • “Who are you and who am I?” A Community on its knees before God
  • The Word at the Center
  • General Convention 2020 is approaching



Number 9 – January

  • In each the Spirit manifests itself, in different ways, for the good of all
  • Charisms and community life
  • Charismatic community prayer
  • The charism of prophecy
  • Prayer over the brothers
  • Healing and liberation



Number 8 – December

  • “In those days I will pour out my Spirit and they will prophesy.”
  • “The Hope of the Magnificat”
  • Twelve days in Pakistan



Number 7 – November

  • Toward December 8, 2019, the 40th year is coming to a close
  • The “elders” listened to the “youth” of the community
  • Trapani sisters in San Manno (and not only there!).
  • The Fire of the Spirit in a Parish, Testimony from Romania



Number 6 – Ottorbe

  • God’s Word guides us and the Church confirms!
  • Stefano Ragnacci’s words at the October General Assembly.
  • Evangelizing in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • A new novitiate: Turkish things!



Number 5 – September

  • A prophecy for the Community: “More and more were added believers to the Lord.”
  • What to say, how to do, to invite someone to prayer or Seminary
  • Offerings and tithes: what happens to them?
  • All Community Prayer Meetings



Number 4 – August

  • “… they went from place to place, proclaiming the Word…”
  • At the campground there is a place where … they take the shoes off their feet …
  • Camp 2019 goes by the numbers
  • A “25-year-old” father for the Community: cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti
  • The project to complete the work of San Manno.
  • Roman news
  • All Community Prayer Meetings



Number 3 – July

  • “Our God comes and is not silent.”
  • A rainbow “inaugurated” the Tabor House of Prayer
  • A “dream of God” in. “free loan for use”
  • News in the path of allies and friends
  • The 2019-2020 general calendar
  • Camp 2019: “were together”
  • Five per thousand to the Magnificat Foundation
  • Util e-mail addresses



Number 2 – June

  • “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
  • The complex of San Manno, in Perugia
  • The broken beam
  • The general executive director
  • Treasury and General Secretariat
  • The general ministries of the Community
  • Bylaws, full speed ahead!
  • Five per thousand to the Magnificat Foundation
  • Useful e-mail addresses



Number 1 – May

  • “Courage, all the people of the country and to work, for I am with you!”
  • What the Magnificat Community looks like
  • Community Fraternities
  • Community missions
  • How many make up the Community
  • The new general managers
  • New fraternity leaders
  • The new General Council and Zone moderators.
  • Where does the statute stand
  • Five per thousand to the Magnificat Foundation
  • Useful e-mail addresses

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